Date de voyage
Adultes (>9 ans)
Enfant (2-9 ans)
  • {l}

De Railay à Koh Yao Noi

By Green Planet
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:30 Railay, Railay Bay


1 heures 30 moins


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


10:00 Koh Yao Noi, Manoh Pier


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date


  • Cancellations made 24 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 12 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to your trip's scheduled departure time. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee (if any), any additional fees and surcharges.
  • Baggage is free of charge.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Passenger with Baby Stroller pay an extra charge 100 THB per car to the staff directly.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • No pets allowed.
  • INFANTS are NOT allowed on speedboat.
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel.
  • The Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • CHECK IN POINT: Railay East floating bridge in front of Railay Princess Hotel, please look for Green Planet sign and staff.

Trip Information

Embarcadère de Railay Bay : Votre porte d'entrée vers le paradis thaïlandais !

Nichée sur la côte sud de la Thaïlande, la baie de Railay séduit par ses eaux scintillantes, ses étendues de verdure dense et ses falaises majestueuses. Ce petit coin de paradis sur terre promet une pause dans la vie quotidienne. La clé de l'accès à tout cela est la jetée de la baie de Railay.

Centre d'activité et point de départ de diverses excursions, il est le cœur de ce pays tropical de rêve. Alors que le soleil annonce un nouveau jour, jetant sa teinte dorée sur la mer d'Andaman, le royaume sous-marin s'anime. À Railay Bay, chaque seconde est une page précieuse de votre carnet de voyage.

À propos de l'embarcadère de Railay Bay

L'embarcadère de Railay sert de porte d'entrée principale pour ceux qui cherchent à explorer la magie de Railay. Les bateaux traditionnels à longue queue, au design emblématique, vous attendent pour vous emmener à l'aventure à travers la baie. Ces bateaux ajoutent non seulement du charme à la baie, mais offrent également une expérience de voyage unique et authentique.

La baie de Railay n'est pas une destination comme les autres ; elle offre une expérience inégalée dans le monde. La combinaison d'une beauté naturelle époustouflante, d'une culture locale riche et d'une grande variété d'activités la distingue sur la scène internationale.

Nichée au cœur du vaste littoral thaïlandais, la plage de Railay est un havre de tranquillité et de beauté. Accessible uniquement par bateau, ce paradis isolé offre une retraite loin de l'agitation des centres touristiques. Lorsque vous prenez un bateau pour Railay, de hautes falaises vous accueillent, entourant les eaux claires et le sable blanc. Il ne s'agit pas seulement d'une destination, mais d'un voyage dans un chef-d'œuvre de la nature.

Railay n'est qu'un aperçu de ce que la région offre. À une courte distance en bateau, vous découvrirez la plage animée d'Ao Nang et la sereine Ko Lanta. Pour ceux qui veulent en faire plus, Railay propose de nombreuses excursions d'une journée pour explorer de nouveaux endroits.

La baie de Railay est le point de départ idéal pour de nombreuses destinations. Railay West n'est qu'à un saut de puce. Les îles Phi Phi, dont Koh Phi Phi et Koh Lipe, sont facilement accessibles. Plongez sous les vagues grâce à des excursions de plongée avec masque et tuba, qui vous feront découvrir les trésors marins de la baie de Railay, de Yao Noi et de la plage de Phra Nang.

La grotte de Phra Nang, un lieu mystique, recèle à la fois des beautés naturelles et des légendes locales. La plage adjacente, avec son sable fin et ses eaux claires, est l'une des plus belles de la région. Pour une somme modique de 100 bahts, vous pouvez louer un bateau privé. Vous pourrez ainsi vous évader dans ce paradis isolé et profiter d'une expérience unique loin de la foule.

La baie de Railay est la plus fréquentée de novembre à avril, période propice à de nombreuses activités en raison du beau temps. Si vous visitez la ville de Krabi, ne manquez pas d'y faire un tour. Vous y trouverez des marchés où vous pourrez voir et vivre la vie quotidienne des habitants. Koh Phi Phi est une île située dans la mer bleue d'Andaman. Elle a beaucoup à offrir. C'est une expérience sensorielle. Elle séduit par sa faune et sa flore marines, qui attirent les plongeurs et les amateurs de plongée avec tuba.

Les plages de sable blanc créent un contraste avec les eaux cobalt. Au-delà de la journée, lorsque le soleil se couche, Koh Phi Phi se transforme. Pendant la journée, l'île est paisible, mais la nuit, elle est animée par des fêtes et de la musique. La plage d'Ao Nang n'est pas qu'une simple étendue de sable. C'est le cœur même de la région de Krabi. Le rivage offre un assortiment de restaurants servant une cuisine thaïlandaise alléchante. Vous y trouverez également des boutiques d'artisanat local. Et la vie nocturne est pleine d'énergie. Lorsque le jour se transforme en nuit, la plage devient une tapisserie de lumières, de rires et de musique. Ao Nang possède de magnifiques falaises de calcaire qui se dressent près de la plage. Ces falaises créent des ombres sur le sable et rendent l'endroit encore plus spécial.

La jetée de Railay Bay n'est pas seulement une jetée, c'est votre pont personnel vers un paradis thaïlandais sans pareil. Elle vous invite à vivre des moments sereins, des escapades palpitantes et à vous immerger dans les traditions locales. Les eaux sont calmes et paisibles. Passer du temps ici et explorer le monde sous-marin crée des souvenirs impérissables.

À savoir :

La plage de Railay, accessible uniquement par bateau, est plus isolée que les autres plages.

Des vendeurs locaux proposent souvent des plats thaïlandais authentiques du côté de Railay East - à ne pas manquer !

Respectez les coutumes et les traditions locales, en particulier lorsque vous visitez des lieux sacrés.

Le point de vue de Railay, une randonnée modérée, offre une vue panoramique sur toute la baie.

Réservez vos billets de ferry à l'avance pendant la haute saison pour éviter les problèmes de dernière minute.

Speed Boat: Railay Bay - Nopparat Thara Pier

Nopparat Thara Pier: Ao Nang's Scenic Launchpad to Adventure


Embark on a thrilling Ao Nang journey beginning at Nopparat Thara Pier. This bustling pier, a gem in Ao Nang, introduces you to a vibrant world of wonder, entertainment, and tropical exploration. The pier is close to Nopparat Thara Beach and helps visitors reach the sea. It also points them to comfy stays and the delicious food Ao Nang is famous for.


The Nopparat Pier is more than just a departure point; it embodies Ao Nang's essence. As a key to unlocking a myriad of experiences, this pier offers everything. From sunbathing on Ao Nang's shores to excursions to Phi Phi Islands aboard traditional long-tailed boats, the choice is vast. Located near the picturesque Ao Nang Krabi, the pier presents mesmerizing views of the vast ocean. The inviting sands of Thara Beach and Noppharat Thara Beach are perfect for relaxation. The sparkling waters beckon adventurers to explore the mysteries beneath.

Looking for more? Take a longtail boat and discover the enchanting nearby islands. Koh Phi Phi and Koh Phi are among the many jewels that await. After a day at sea, nothing beats a traditional Thai massage by the Nopparat Thara Beach.

And for the foodies, the pier is surrounded by a plethora of bars and restaurants. With a diverse range of dishes on offer, from authentic Thai to international delicacies, dining here is an experience in itself. As evening approaches, consider a tuk tuk ride to Krabi Town's vibrant night market. Or relax in the beachside ambiance of Ao Nang's bars and restaurants.

Those who wish to stay will find numerous resorts and hotels in Ao Nang, ensuring a comfortable retreat. Ao Nang, with its serene beaches and vibrant nightlife, is a sought-after destination for travelers seeking both relaxation and adventure. The resorts in Ao Nang are nestled between limestone cliffs.

The azure waters of the Andaman Sea offer visitors a perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and breathtaking views. It makes each stay a memorable experience. And for the more adventurous, there's more to explore, like the famed Emerald Pool and the famous hot springs.


The Nopparat Thara Pier is a gateway to the many wonders of Ao Nang and the nearby islands. The pier is in a great spot and offers many fun things to do. It shows the beauty and variety of Krabi.

Things to Know:

Nopparat Thara Pier is the main starting point for journeys to the renowned Phi Phi Island and Railay beaches.

Traditional long-tailed boats at the pier offer an authentic way to navigate the waters and explore the nearby islands.

From the pier, a tuk tuk can quickly whisk you to Krabi Town's bustling night market.

A wide array of bars and restaurants near the pier ensures that there's something for every palate.

If you want to stay in Ao Nang, there are many hotels and resorts. Many have great views of the most beautiful beach Krabi offers.

Speed Boat: Nopparat Thara Pier - Chong Lard Pier

Chong Lard Pier: Where Your Koh Yao Yai Trip Begins!


Hey there! Welcome to Chong Lard Pier. This is a great spot to kick off your adventure to Koh Yao Yai. Picture this pier as your stepping stone to a lot of fun and cool discoveries about an island that's both quiet and super pretty.


Chong Lard Pier isn't just a place to dock boats – it's your doorway to everything awesome about Koh Yao Yai. Right when you get here, look up and around. You'll see a big, beautiful blue sky and feel the gentle touch of waves. It's nature's special welcome hug. The pier has this friendly vibe, making it feel like everyone's favorite hangout spot. It's also cool to see fishermen here doing their thing – it's like getting a sneak peek into how things were done in the old days on the island.

Now, let's talk about all the fun stuff you can do around here. Imagine chilling on Loh Paret Beach. The sand? Super soft. The water? Crystal clear. Feels like paradise! For those who love a good boat ride, you can't miss out on Phang Nga Bay. It's famous for these big rocks that stand tall in the water. Plus, there's the James Bond Island – yep, just like in the movies. For more exploring, consider a trip to Krabi. It's not just about beaches (though places like Railay Beach are amazing). There are peaceful spots like Thung Teao Forest where nature just wows you. And speaking of beaches, Koh Lanta is a short boat ride away. Perfect for more sun, sand, and sea fun! Want to dive into clear waters? Check out the Racha Islands. It's like an underwater wonderland. And if you've got energy to spare, take a walk up to Chong Lard Viewpoint. Trust me, the view from up there? Totally worth every step.


As you depart from Chong Lard Pier, it's natural to feel a twinge of melancholy, given the myriad experiences it offers. But hey, think about all the amazing stories and memories you'll take with you. Koh Yao Yai is more than just an island. It's like a hidden gem full of beautiful views and super welcoming people who make every second count. And when you're looking back at your trip later, always remember that your epic adventure started right here at Chong Lard Pier.

Things to Know:

Yum Alert: There's some really tasty Thai food around the pier. Make certain to take advantage of this opportunity.

Take-Home Goodies: Local shops have these cool handmade things. Perfect for gifts or memories.

Look Good & Respectful: Dress in a way that shows you know and respect the local ways.

Relax Mode: Here, we take things easy and enjoy every moment. Join in!

Clean Vibes: The island loves visitors who care. So, no littering, okay?

Speed Boat: Chong Lard Pier - Manoh Pier

Discover the Charm of Manoh Pier: Gateway to Paradise


Manoh Pier is on the calm Andaman Sea shores, near luxury resorts and beaches on Koh Yao Yai. It invites adventurers to explore the beautiful Koh Yao Yai. The pier is like a doorway to a paradise.


Manoh Pier, located on the island of Koh Yao Yai (sometimes spelled Ko Yao Yai), is a hive of activity. Here, locals greet visitors, longtail boats bob gracefully in the waters, and the excitation of new adventures is palpable. Whether you're taking a boat to a fancy hotel or starting an island adventure, Manoh Pier is where you begin.

Santhiya Koh Yao Yai Resort sits near the peaceful Koh Yao Yai Village. It is a blend of traditional Thai charm and modern luxury.

Overlooking the Andaman Sea, guests can enjoy breathtaking views. They are just a short walk away from the village's cultural activities and authentic Thai flavors. It's where luxury meets local genuineness.

Just a 30 minute boat ride from Manoh Pier lies its twin—Koh Yao Noi. This island, smaller than Koh Yao Yai, offers an equally authentic experience.

It’s a haven of tranquility, boasting pristine beaches like Laem Had Beach and a charming Ko Yao Noi village. From Manoh Pier Koh Yao Noi, you can travel to many destinations. Places like Ao Nang, Phuket, and Krabi are popular choices.

An incredible destination known for its scenic views and beachfront. Ao Nang is a jewel in the Andaman Sea, with its bustling streets and famous Ao Nang beach. The journey from Manoh Pier is a spectacle in itself.

As one of the most exciting destinations in Thailand, Phuket offers a mix of vibrant nightlife. From Bang Rong Pier in Phuket, it's easy to catch a boat to Manoh Pier. And from here, explore the rest of Phang Nga Bay.

While you're at Manoh Pier, take the opportunity to hop over to Koh Yao Noi. Explore the island, with its scenic views, traditional villages, and the peace that comes with a place untouched by mass tourism.

Though further away, Langkawi is a must-visit. A group of islands on the border of Thailand and Malaysia, it promises unique cultural experiences and stunning landscapes.


If you start at Manoh Pier, you can go to a fancy hotel or visit nearby islands. There's so much to see and do. Koh Yao Yai has beautiful beaches.

Phuket and Ao Nang have busy streets. Starting a trip at Manoh Pier means you'll see many amazing places.

Things to know:

Manoh Pier is the main entry and exit point to Koh Yao Yai and offers daily boat rides to surrounding islands.

Always check boat schedules in advance, as they might change based on weather conditions.

The best time to visit is during the dry season, from November to April.

Local vendors often set up stalls at the pier, offering a taste of authentic Thai food and trinkets.

Respect the local customs and culture. Dress modestly and always ask for permission before taking photos.