Data di Viaggio
Adulto (>9 anni)
Bambino (2-9 anni)
  • {l}

Da Phuket a Koh Mook

By Bundhaya Speed Boat
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:30 Phuket, Rassada Pier


2 ore 50 minuti


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


11:20 Koh Mook, Koh Mook Pier


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date


  • Cancellations made 24 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 6 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • DOMESTIC Routes: Please check in 45 minutes before the departure time, check in close 15 minutes of departure time. If you are late, your ticket will be expired and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • For KOH LIPE to LANGKAWI and LANGKAWI to KOH LIPE: Please check in 1 HOUR (local time) before departure time for the immigration check and have your passport ready. Check in close 45 minutes of departure time. If you are late, your ticket will be expired and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • You can check in by showing e-ticket on mobile to staff at the pier. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee (if any), any additional fees and surcharges.
  • Each passenger is allowed 1 baggage shall not weigh more than 30kg. and carry on 1 bag shall not weigh more than 10kg. per person. For excess baggage limit please pay the extra charge directly to the staff at the pier.
  • The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • No pets allowed.
  • INFANTS are NOT allowed on speedboat.
  • The Speedboat is not allowed for pregnant women and is not suitable for children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.
  • In case of damaged luggage or bag, the operator can compensate for damages not exceeding 1,000 THB per luggage or bag. The operator will not be liable for loss or damage to baggage, fragile, perishable and valuable items in your checked and carry-on baggage.
  • In case of loss of luggage or bag, the operator can compensate for the lost not exceeding 2,500 THB per luggage or bag.
  • The operator recommends the passenger keep high value or passport with the passenger all the time and the operator is not responsible for the lost.
  • The operator relies on safety as important. The operator can not be held responsible for travel delays or travel cancellations.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • If you intend to travel with an animal, please reach out to Customer Support in advance to confirm with the service provider.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel on the Speedboat.
  • CHECK IN POINT: at Rassada Pier Counter No. 11, please look for Bundhaya Speed Boat sign
  • Change to boat another at Koh Lanta.

Trip Information

Molo di Rassada: Il vostro trampolino di lancio verso i tesori delle Andamane

Benvenuti al Rassada Pier, la porta d'ingresso tra il fascino vibrante di Phuket e le isole mistiche che punteggiano il Mare delle Andamane. Situato nella parte occidentale di Phuket, Rassada Pier è più di un semplice punto di transito. Dal molo di Rassada è possibile accedere facilmente alle tranquille spiagge di Koh Yao o visitare la famosa Phi Phi Island. Per i viaggiatori desiderosi di scoprire gemme nascoste o semplicemente di crogiolarsi in spiagge tranquille, la vostra avventura prende vita proprio qui.

Informazioni sul molo di Rassada

Situato in posizione strategica nel cuore del Mare delle Andamane, il Rassada Pier è la linfa vitale che collega la città di Phuket con le isole circostanti. Il molo di Rassada è molto frequentato, con bancarelle che offrono cibo locale, in riva al mare.

Mentre il vostro traghetto opera da questo hub, immaginate il mondo di possibilità che vi aspetta. Con il vento tra i capelli, partite per una gita di un giorno verso l'ipnotica Koh Yao. Mentre il tempo sembra rallentare, abbandonatevi alla sua bellezza incontaminata e alla sua serenità.

Il molo offre anche molte escursioni a Koh Phi Phi. È una meraviglia naturale che lascia i viaggiatori incantati. In alta stagione o meno, troverete barche veloci che vi porteranno in posti incredibili. Destinazione di fama mondiale, il fascino di Koh Phi Phi risiede nei suoi paesaggi drammatici, nelle acque cristalline e nella vivace vita marina. È un paradiso per i subacquei, per chi cerca il sole e per chiunque abbia un debole per la grandezza della natura.

Salpare da Phuket a Phi Phi non è solo un viaggio. È una storia avvincente. Mentre il traghetto taglia le acque, potrete vedere i delfini. Potrete anche ammirare la danza delle onde. E se siete abbastanza fortunati, un tramonto color oro e cremisi dipingerà il cielo. Più avanti si trova Koh Lanta. Foreste lussureggianti, spiagge appartate e un ricco mix di culture definiscono questo paradiso che invita all'esplorazione.

Raggiungere il molo di Phuket Rassada dall'aeroporto di Phuket è semplice. Scegliete un servizio taxi dedicato che vi porti direttamente dall'aeroporto a Rassada. Il vostro viaggio sarà confortevole come la destinazione verso cui siete diretti.

Il molo di Rassada non è solo un luogo. Qui iniziano numerose storie, con avventure da vivere e ricordi da creare. È un ponte tra l'essenza vivace di Phuket e i santuari incontaminati delle isole circostanti. Che siate viaggiatori abituali o nuovi esploratori, Railay Bay e le sue isole sono affascinanti. Lasciano un'impressione duratura.

Cose da sapere:

Prenotate sempre i biglietti del traghetto online in anticipo, soprattutto durante le stagioni di punta, per assicurarvi un viaggio senza problemi.

Prima di partire, immergetevi nella cultura locale assaggiando le prelibatezze delle bancarelle vicino al molo di Rassada.

Ricordate che il viaggio dall'aeroporto di Phuket al molo di Rassada può durare fino a un'ora, quindi pianificate i vostri orari di conseguenza.

Per un'esperienza unica, prendete in considerazione l'idea di fare un'escursione al mattino presto per ammirare il Mare delle Andamane in tutto il suo splendore mattutino.

Se tornate a Phuket dopo la vostra fuga sull'isola, tenetevi un po' di tempo per esplorare la vivace città di Phuket.

Speed Boat: Rassada Pier - Tonsai Pier

Molo di Tonsai: Ingresso alle meraviglie di Koh Phi Phi

Il molo di Tonsai è la porta d'accesso alle meraviglie di Koh Phi Phi! Il molo si trova nel cuore della baia di Tonsai (a volte scritto Tonsay Bay). Questo vivace molo vi introdurrà a splendide coste, acque cristalline e momenti memorabili. Che siate alla ricerca della calma o del brivido, Tonsai Pier è il vostro punto d'imbarco.

Informazioni sul molo di Tonsai

Il Tonsai Pier è la soglia delle gemme di Koh Phi Phi. Il molo è pieno di attività mentre le imbarcazioni trasportano gli ospiti da e verso quest'isola paradisiaca. La sua posizione privilegiata nella baia di Tonsai garantisce la vicinanza al cuore pulsante dell'isola. Mercati vivaci, ristoranti caratteristici e negozi locali attendono la vostra visita.

Dal molo di Tonsai, una miriade di meraviglie vi aspetta. Rilassatevi alla serena Tonsai Beach, a pochi passi di distanza. Con la sua sabbia soffice e le acque limpide, è un luogo idilliaco dove crogiolarsi alla luce del sole. Per chi ha voglia di vagabondare, è possibile raggiungere un magnifico belvedere per ammirare un panorama mozzafiato.

Andate oltre il molo di Tonsai. Troverete Loh Dalum Bay a pochi passi di distanza. Questo splendido luogo è ideale per fare snorkeling e nuotare. Esplorate le attrazioni sottomarine o semplicemente godetevi l'ambiente tranquillo.

Il bellissimo Tonsai Village si trova al centro della Tonsai Bay. Offre uno spaccato della vita quotidiana di Koh Phi Phi.

Il Tonsai Pier funge da molo principale dell'isola e accoglie i traghetti provenienti da Phuket, Krabi e Koh Lanta. Questo servizio di traghetti snello garantisce un transito senza problemi. La tassa d'ingresso di 20 baht contribuisce al mantenimento dei servizi del molo.

Arrivando da Phuket, Krabi o Ao Nang, il molo di Tonsai è l'ancora del vostro viaggio. I banner per le escursioni e il logging sventolano allo sbarco, presentando una miriade di opzioni per il vostro soggiorno. Il fascino di Koh Phi Phi è pronto per la vostra ricerca.

I viaggiatori amavano esplorare le acque blu dell'isola ogni giorno. Possono scegliere un traghetto o un motoscafo per il loro viaggio. Entrambe le opzioni offrono una splendida vista e la possibilità di trovare nuove spiagge. Ad alcuni piaceva un viaggio lento, mentre altri preferivano arrivare in fretta.

All'imbrunire, il Tonsai Pier si trasforma in una tela di fiamme e luminescenze. Lo spettacolo del fuoco è un'attrazione che introduce un pizzico di incanto nelle ore del crepuscolo. Unitevi alla folla e assaporate questo magico spettacolo.

Il fascino di Tonsai Bay non si limita al molo. Le maree cerulee invitano a nuotare e le scogliere vicine invitano i più audaci. Fate snorkeling tra la flora marina di Ton Sai o trovate pace nella serenità dell'isola.

Il molo di Tonsai è un portale per diverse avventure. Immergetevi negli splendori marini di Koh Phi Phi. Oppure salpate verso Phi Phi Don, la più grande delle isole gemelle. Grazie alla connessione Wi-Fi accessibile, è possibile tracciare il proprio viaggio anche in movimento.

La notte risveglia Tonsai Township con una vita notturna dinamica. Pub, ristoranti e luoghi di svago dipingono la tela dell'atmosfera animata di Koh Phi Phi. Fate baldoria, banchettate e create impressioni senza tempo.

Dal molo di Tonsai è possibile noleggiare senza problemi una barca a coda lunga per raggiungere i gioielli vicini. Koh Lanta, Maya Bay e altre splendide località vi aspettano. Massimizzate la vostra esperienza a Koh Phi Phi con trasferimenti efficienti. Tonsai Pier è il portale per la magia di Koh Phi Phi.

Cose da ricordare:

Il molo di Tonsai si trova nel cuore della baia di Tonsai e costituisce il principale punto di accesso alle attrazioni di Koh Phi Phi.

Una tassa d'ingresso di 20 baht al molo contribuisce alla manutenzione delle strutture per il comfort dei visitatori.

Gli efficienti servizi di traghetto da Phuket e Krabi assicurano un viaggio agevole al molo.

Rimanete in contatto con i punti Wi-Fi disponibili in tutta Tonsai Bay mentre programmate le escursioni locali.

La vita notturna di Tonsai Bay è vivace e il Tonsai Village offre diverse esperienze di intrattenimento, gastronomiche e culturali.

Speed Boat: Tonsai Pier - Saladan Pier

Saladan Pier: The Gateway to Koh Lanta’s Wonders


Nestled on the northern tip of Koh Lanta Yai, the Saladan Pier is more than just a dock for ferries. Saladan Pier is the heart of the town of Saladan. This harbor town is lively. It has cafes and souvenir shops. Koh Lanta is a peaceful place in Thailand. Tourists can relax there but also find lively spots at night.


Saladan Pier is the pivotal point for travelers heading in and out of Koh Lanta. Saladan Pier serves as the strategic linkage connecting the island to other destinations. For many, it’s their first glimpse of Koh Lanta. It is a precursor to the beautiful beaches and rich experiences awaiting on the island.

Explore the island of Koh Lanta, Thailand's hidden gem of serene beaches and rich culture. Koh Lanta, comprising two main islands, Koh Lanta Yai and Koh Lanta Noi, is the epitome of a dream vacation. Sandy beaches stretch endlessly, with Long Beach being a favorite for many sun-seekers. Beyond its shores, Koh Lanta National Park beckons with its diverse flora and fauna. The park is a must-visit, especially for those eager to explore the untouched parts of the island. Nearby, Lanta Animal Welfare works tirelessly to care for and protect the island’s animals, making it a worthy visit.

While Saladan Pier is the heart of Koh Lanta Yai, it’s also the stepping stone to other renowned spots. Koh Phi Phi, with its vibrant marine life and unique limestone cliffs, is a short boat ride away.

For those wanting a serene escape, Koh Rok’s crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches are ideal. Additionally, destinations like Phuket, Railay, and Krabi are reachable via Saladan. It makes the pier a central hub for those wishing to explore Thailand's southern gems.

Beyond its connection to scenic destinations, the Saladan area is brimming with life. Food stalls serve delicious local delicacies, and travel agencies offer an array of adventures for tourists. And for those looking to stay in Koh Lanta, there’s a diverse range of lodging. It ranges from beachfront resorts to cozy inns. Ban Saladan, the nearby village, is a blend of local life and tourist attractions. Many highly recommend that you explore the mesmerizing Emerald Cave.


Saladan Pier is more than just a gateway—it’s a promise of endless adventures, a blend of tranquility and excitement. If you're visiting other islands or just seeing Koh Lanta, Saladan is ready to welcome you.

Things to know:

Saladan Pier Koh Lanta is the primary arrival and departure point for Koh Lanta Yai.

The surrounding area, Saladan, offers a variety of dining options, including authentic local food stalls.

Numerous travel agencies around the pier can assist in planning trips to nearby destinations like Koh Phi Phi and Koh Rok.

While at the pier, consider taking a short trip to the south of the island to discover even more beautiful beaches.

Visiting in the early morning or late afternoon provides a unique glimpse into the everyday life of locals at the pier.

Speed Boat: Saladan Pier - Koh Ngai Pier

Koh Ngai Pier: Discover the Gateway to Paradise


Nestled on the east coast of Thailand, Koh Ngai Pier serves as a crucial gateway to some of the most beautiful islands in Thailand. This bustling pier, situated in the tranquil Ko Lanta Yai of Trang province, is the starting point for countless adventures. From here, travelers can embark on day trips to explore small islands, beautiful beaches, and hidden gems like the Emerald Cave.


Koh Ngai Pier is not just a docking point; it's a launchpad for exploring the stunning Andaman Sea. The pier's strategic location allows for easy access to nearby paradises like Koh Lanta, Koh Kradan, and the famous Koh Phi Phi. These islands are celebrated for their sandy beaches, clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs.

A short longtail boat ride from Koh Ngai Pier can take you to the serene Koh Lanta, known for its laid-back beach resorts and the enchanting Emerald Cave. Koh Kradan, meanwhile, boasts some of the most picturesque beaches, ideal for snorkeling and sunbathing. Koh Phi, a jewel among the islands, offers a lively atmosphere and breathtaking views.

Koh Ngai itself, though a small island, is a slice of paradise with its pristine beaches and tranquil environment. It's a perfect spot for those seeking a peaceful retreat. For the more adventurous, a trip to Koh Rok promises a memorable experience with its rich marine life and coral gardens.


Koh Ngai Pier is more than a transit point; it's the beginning of a journey through Thailand's island paradise. Whether you're seeking a quiet beach to relax, a vibrant coral reef to explore, or a cultural experience in local island communities, this region has it all. The pier, with its connections to such diverse and beautiful destinations, is a must-visit for any island explorer.

LiVa Tips

Island Hopping: Utilize Koh Ngai Pier for exciting day trips to nearby islands like Koh Lipe and Koh Rok.

Best Seasons: The best time to visit is outside the rainy season for clearer skies and calmer seas.

Explore the Coral Reefs: Don't miss the opportunity to snorkel or dive to see the stunning coral reefs near Koh Kradan and Koh Rok.

Travel Time: Most islands, including Koh Phi Phi, are just 30 minutes to an hour away by boat.

Local Recommendations: Highly recommend asking locals at the pier for hidden spots and dining recommendations.

Speed Boat: Koh Ngai Pier - Koh Mook Pier

Koh Mook Pier: Gateway to Andaman's Hidden Treasures


Koh Muk is a small island in the calm Andaman Sea. Some people also spell it as Koh Mook. It offers travelers untouched and beautiful landscapes. This place is like a hidden treasure that many travelers have visited. Many who have been here remember it fondly. It's special and leaves a lasting impression on those who walk its shores.


Making your way to Koh Muk is an adventure in itself. One of the most magical parts of this trip is the opportunity to ride in a traditional longtail boat. These boats are an iconic sight in this part of the world and offer a unique and authentic way to travel.

Starting from the Trang islands, the boat ride is short and sweet, taking only about 30 minutes. Before you know it, you'll be stepping onto the soft, white sands of Koh Muk's beautiful beaches.

Koh Mook is a beautiful island that many people love to visit. If you've been there before, you'll know how welcoming and lovely it feels, like seeing an old friend. The waves are gentle, the environment is peaceful, and everything looks so natural and beautiful.

It's a place that people love to visit over and over. But if you've never been there, get ready to be surprised. Exploring Koh Mook is like finding a special hidden spot. It shows you the beauty of nature in a really amazing way.

If you're thinking of visiting Koh Mook and wondering where to stay, consider the Sivalai Beach Resort. It's a great place with everything you'd want for a comfortable trip. They have excellent facilities and the views of the beach are breathtaking.

When you stay on Koh Mook, you're right in the middle of a calm and peaceful place. You'll feel the relaxing vibes all around. The people here are really friendly and welcoming, which adds to the charm of the place.

One of the main spots on the island is the Kuan Tung Ku Pier. It's not just a regular pier. It reflects how life on the island is so simple and calm.

Staying on Koh Mook means you can easily visit this pier and experience the laid-back atmosphere. Note that every point of interest is 15 minutes or less away from your location. Island Hopping Adventures: Koh Muk serves as a fantastic starting point for island hopping. Koh Lanta is just a short boat ride away. Koh Phi Phi is even closer. There's a lot of adventure waiting to be explored.

The Trang Islands, with their unique attractions, are also within easy reach. For those craving a longer journey, Koh Lipe is a beautiful destination, renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and clear waters.

Day Trips and Adventures: Day trips from Koh Muk are plentiful. 15 minutes on a boat can take you to the mesmerizing Morakot Cave. It is, a natural wonder that promises a once-in-a-lifetime exploration experience.

And if you're keen on discovering more of the Andaman Sea's treasures, Koh Lanta offers a myriad of sights and sounds. It's a larger island compared to Koh Muk but equally captivating.


Koh Muk might be a small island in the Andaman Sea, but it offers experiences that rival any other. Koh Mook is a special island that many people love. If you've been there before, you know how amazing it is.

But even if it's your first visit, the island has a way of leaving a big impression. It's a place that inspires and surprises every time. The memories you make here are sure to stay with you for a long time. Every trip to Koh Mook feels unique and unforgettable.

Things to Know:

Morakot Cave Adventure: Don't overlook the allure of the Emerald Cave. Its depths reveal increasing beauty as you venture further in. For those seeking thrills, Morakot Cave awaits your exploration.

Island-Hopping Beginnings: Your journey to island adventures commences at Koh Mook Pier. From this point, you can transition between numerous islands. Notable destinations such as Koh Phi Phi and the Trang Islands are in the lineup.

Underwater Wonders: The pristine waters around Koh Mook Pier beckon snorkeling enthusiasts. Dive in to witness an enchanting marine world below.

Seasonal Splendors: Koh Mook's charm varies with seasons. Strategize your visit to experience its diverse moods and vibrant palettes.