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Beach Jetty 情報

Beach Jetty

Koh Ngai Beach Jetty: The Doorway to Andaman's Wonders


Do you recall those moments when you felt close to nature? When every little sound or sight made you feel alive and in awe? That's the magic Koh Ngai Beach Jetty promises every visitor. Here, the vast Andaman Sea doesn't just flow; it narrates tales of distant adventures and hidden treasures. Close your eyes and feel the soft, warm sand under your feet. It's like nature's own carpet, inviting you to step further and explore. And every chirp, rustle, or wave seems to be part of a tropical symphony that's playing just for you. Standing at Koh Ngai Beach Jetty, get ready for some amazing adventures on Koh Ngai and other nearby places. But remember, this jetty isn't just where you start. It's a special place all on its own. It's the beginning chapter of a story filled with amazement, beauty, and memories. So, are you ready to turn the page?


In the middle of the sea, there's a lovely island called Koh Ngai. Many also know it as Koh Hai. Koh Ngai Jetty might look like just a simple place to start. But it's really the door to a magical island, like something from a storybook. Even though it's small, only 4 kilometers long and 2 kilometers wide, it's full of big surprises. Koh Ngai is packed with beautiful things to see. There's the shiny sand, tall trees, and colorful fish swimming in the sea. This tiny island has so much to offer. If you love adventures or just want a quiet place, Koh Ngai has something special for everyone.

Koh Ngai is a special spot in the sea. It's like a picture from a postcard. The beach has soft sands and waves that gently touch the shore. Koh Ngai is a peaceful spot where you can really connect with nature. You can sit and listen to birds singing their songs. The trees move gently with the breeze, and if you're lucky, you might see a playful monkey having fun. It's a place that lets you enjoy the simple joys of nature and take a break from the busy world.

When it comes to places to stay, there's a whole bunch to choose from! If you're looking for somewhere fancy, you might like the Thapwarin Resort. It's a big place with lots of comfortable rooms and things to do. There's also the Thanya Beach Resort, another great spot to relax. It's like living in a dream with all the comforts you could want. But if you're someone who likes cozy little places, the Coco Cottage is perfect. It's warm, friendly, and close to nature.

But guess what? There's more! You really like to be out in nature and have a bit of an adventure? We can present you a special Koh Ngai camping spot. It's called the "Light My Fire Society". Imagine sleeping under the stars, telling stories around a campfire, and just enjoying the simple things in life.

So, no matter what kind of trip you're dreaming of. Koh Ngai offers many ways to stay, from fancy hotels to simple camping. Whatever you choose, you'll find something perfect for you there. Koh Ngai is a place like no other. Koh Phi Phi has busy streets and modern stuff. But Koh Ngai is different. It's calm and natural, like stepping back to a simpler time. The island boasts a calming ambiance. Here, there are no busy roads or big piers. This makes the place feel even more special and old-fashioned.

However, this very charm requires visitors to make some preparations. The lack of modern docking facilities means travelers often have to coordinate with smaller, more traditional transfer boats. This becomes particularly crucial during the high tide when the sea's rise makes navigation trickier. Additionally, the high season, which spans from November to April, sees a significant influx of tourists. During these months, planning ahead and ensuring proper arrangements for these transfer boats becomes even more essential.

Koh Ngai might not have all the new things that bigger places do. But its pure and natural beauty is something special that you can't find anywhere else. Just remember to plan ahead, especially when it comes to traveling during high tide and the peak tourist season.

From the serene Koh Ngai Beach Jetty, numerous exciting destinations await the eager traveler. Whether you're keen on a short day trip or an extended getaway, options abound. The notable stops are Koh Phi Phi, Koh Mook, Koh Kradan and Koh Lanta. These islands are renowned for their pristine beaches and rich culture. Setting off from the pier, your journey promises a world of exploration, making every trip a memorable adventure.

Koh Phi Phi is like a beautiful treasure found in the Andaman Sea. Many travelers dream about visiting this place. It's known for its very clear blue waters where you can see lots of colorful fish and other sea creatures. Many people also love the lively parties and fun events that happen there at night. During the day, you can ride on boats called longtail boats to see hidden caves. Or you can chill at big hotels with pools to swim in. No matter what you choose to do, Koh Phi Phi always has something special to show you.

Not far from Koh Ngai, there's another lovely island called Koh Mook. This island is quieter and gives you a calm feeling. One of the most magical places on Koh Mook is the Emerald Cave. It's a must-visit because of its glowing green water and mysterious feeling. Besides that, there are adventures like looking at the beautiful coral reefs underwater. If you like quiet beaches more than busy ones, Koh Mook is the place for you. With its gentle waves and natural beauty, it's a place where you can truly relax and feel close to nature.

When you're out exploring islands, there's one special place you should definitely check out: Koh Kradan. This island has really clean beaches that sparkle under the sun and waters so clear, you can see right through them. If you enjoy looking at fish and underwater things by snorkeling, you'll really like Koh Kradan. The water is clear, and there are many colorful fish and plants to see. It's like a big, beautiful aquarium in nature.

Even though lots of people go to places like Koh Phi Phi, not as many know Koh Kradan. This means it's quieter and feels more peaceful. Imagine lying on a soft beach, listening to the gentle waves, with fewer people around. It's like having a beautiful island almost all to yourself! If you're looking for a calm, beautiful getaway, Koh Kradan is the perfect spot to add to your journey.

Last but not least, Koh Lanta. Koh Lanta is a captivating island in the Andaman Sea, celebrated for its diverse landscapes and laid-back atmosphere. It boasts a series of pristine beaches that transition from soft sands to dense, lush jungles teeming with wildlife. The island is a blend of culture and nature, with traditional Thai villages coexisting harmoniously with modern resorts and eateries. Travelers love the calm feel of the island. Many like to snorkel and dive to see underwater things. Others prefer just to relax. They sit at cafes by the beach. And they enjoy watching the sunset. It's a place with many choices for everyone. Koh Lanta is a haven for those seeking both adventure and tranquility. It makes it a must-visit on any Thai island-hopping itinerary.


Standing on Koh Ngai Beach Jetty, you're at the crossroads of numerous adventures. From the small island charm of Koh Ngai to the bustling vibes of Koh Phi Phi, the choices are plenty. Add to that the allure of Koh Mook's caves and Koh Kradan's underwater treasures. Then, you've got a trip that promises endless memories. As the tide of the Andaman Sea rises and falls, remember that with every visit, Koh Ngai Beach Jetty offers a fresh tale waiting to be lived.

Things to Know:

Koh Ngai remains untouched by ATMs. Bring sufficient cash.

The best times to explore are during the high season.

Always coordinate your boat transfers well in advance.

Koh Ngai's wildlife is precious. Observe, don't disturb.

Check the tide schedules, especially during the rainy season, for safe trips to Koh Ngai and beyond.

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Bundhaya Speedboat

Bundhaya Speedboat has 2 types of boats there are 3 engines for 45 seats and 4 engines for 75 seats.

Speedboat / Fairus

Speed Boat

サトゥーン パクバラ スピード ボート: 島の驚異が待っています

タイの素晴らしい海岸線を探索するための信頼できるフェリー会社、サトゥーン パクバラ スピード ボートにようこそ。交通サービスの利便性と発見の興奮を組み合わせた旅にご参加ください。アンダマン海の澄んだ青い海をクルージングする当社の最新鋭の船に乗っている自分を想像してみてください。航海中は、リペ島、ンガイ島、クラダン島などの隠れた名所を発見するチャンスがあります。

サトゥーン パクバラ スピード ボートでは、旅とは目的地に到着することだけではないと考えています。旅の合間のひととき、潮風、新しい島に近づくときの期待、他の旅行者と分かち合う笑顔が大切です。私たちは、フェリーの旅を冒険に変え、こうしたひとときをお客様に提供することに全力を尽くしています。



サトゥーン パクバラ スピード ボートは単なるフェリー会社ではありません。忘れられない体験への入り口です。私たちと一緒にタイの素晴らしい海岸を探検しましょう。



美しいアンダマン海への旅にぜひご参加ください。秘密のビーチ、色鮮やかなサンゴ礁、遠い昔から物語が残る神秘的な洞窟など、隠れた場所を探索するお手伝いをいたします。Satun Pakbara Speed Boat がフレンドリーなガイドとなり、この素晴らしい水中の世界を案内してくれるところを想像してみてください。まるで海と空が溶け合い、すべてが穏やかで息を呑むほど美しい絵画の中を航海しているようです。


ミッション: 乗船してタイの海岸を探索する素晴らしい時間を過ごしましょう。とても楽しく、素晴らしい思い出が作れます。当社はただの乗り物ではありません。お客様の旅をとてもエキサイティングで快適なものにすることが私たちの使命です。居心地の良いボートでの大冒険のようなものです。

ビジョン: サトゥン パクバラ スピード ボート クラブは、単にフェリーを運航しているだけではありません。もっと大きな計画があります。私たちは、好奇心旺盛な放浪者の魂と海の神秘を結びつける導管になることを目指しています。


サトゥン パクバラ スピード ボート クラブは、アンダマン海の清らかな海を航海するお客様の頼もしいパートナーです。最先端の船団は、迅速で贅沢な航海を保証し、熟練した乗組員のおもてなしの温かさが各船に染み込んでいます。お客様の安全と快適さは、私たちのコミットメントの最前線にあり、お客様はリラックスして、周囲の素晴らしい景色に浸ることができます。



妥協を許さない安全性: 安全性に対する当社の揺るぎない取り組みには、安全な旅を保証するための厳格なプロトコルが含まれています。

要点: 当社の近代的なボートは快適な乗り心地を保証し、スムーズに航海できます。当社の熟練した乗組員が、お客様の旅が安全で、思い出に残る素敵な体験でいっぱいになるようにします。

簡単な予約体験: 当社のユーザーフレンドリーなオンライン プラットフォームで簡単に予約を確保し、旅の複雑さを排除します。

概要: 当社が提供する目的地の一部

ピピ島への旅: 手付かずのビーチとドラマチックな風景が誘うピピ島の魅惑的な魅力に浸ってください。

クラビ島のリトリート: 自然の美しさのオアシスであるクラビの静かなビーチで、心をリフレッシュしてください。 

ライレイ ビーチ サンクチュアリ: 比類のない静けさと美しさの聖地、ライレイ ビーチの海岸で安らぎを求めましょう。

サトゥン パクバラ スピード ボート クラブは、境界を越えた旅に出発するための心からの招待状を差し上げます。私たちは島の楽しみのためのあなたのパートナーであり、あなたの旅を最高に素晴らしいものにすることに全力を尽くします。タイの美しい海岸で快適でエキサイティングな時間をお過ごしいただけるようにいたします。

今すぐ予約して、サトゥン パクバラ スピード ボート クラブに海の冒険物語を語らせてください。あなたの冒険は、海岸の魔法の真髄を体現するターコイズブルーの海と景色の中で繰り広げられる準備ができています。