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Green Planet 情報

Green Planet

グリーン プラネット スピード ボートで植物と水の世界を満喫

グリーン プラネットのスピード ボート ツアーでタイの島々の美しさを満喫しましょう。ピピ島、アオナン、ヤオ島などの素晴らしい目的地への素晴らしい旅に出発しましょう。思い出に残る旅にご案内しながら、これらの素敵なスポットの美しさを体験してください。

スピード ボート ツアーでは、これらの絵のように美しい島々の隠れた宝石を探索するユニークな機会を提供します。風を感じながら青い海を滑り、緑豊かな風景ときれいな海岸に囲まれてください。水上アクティビティ、ビーチでのひととき、地元の生活について学ぶことなど、グリーン プラネット ツアーにはすべてが揃っています。

アオ ナンでは、背の高い岩の崖、緑豊かな植物、そして動く海をご覧いただけます。ヤオ島のビーチに着くと、時間がゆっくりと流れる場所に入ります。グリーン プラネットのスピード ボート ツアーでは、発見、探索、そして素晴らしい思い出作りができます。


グリーン プラネットのミッションは、タイで最も息をのむような場所への安全でエキサイティングな日帰り旅行を提供することです。世界中の人々が、地球が提供できる素晴らしい自然のものを発見し、楽しむ機会を持ってほしいと考えています。



冒険への情熱を持つグリーン プラネットは、島を探索したいというお客様のご要望に応えるさまざまなサービスを提供しています。当社の経験豊富なガイドがお客様の安全を確保し、当社のスピード ボートで夢の目的地まで素早くお連れします。太陽の下で完璧な一日をお過ごしください。


そびえ立つ石灰岩の崖が海と出会う魅惑的なアオ ナンを探索してください。当社の専門ガイドが隠れた入り江を案内し、最も息をのむような景色をお届けします。




効率的な移動のための高速で快適なスピード ボート。



概要: 弊社がご提供する目的地


アオナン: アオナンの隠れた入り江や素晴らしい景色をお楽しみください。

ヤオ島: ヤオ島の静けさに浸ってください。

最後に、グリーン プラネットは、タイで最も魅力的な目的地へとお連れする思い出に残る旅にお客様を温かくお迎えします。安全性、環境に配慮した実践、パーソナライズされた体験への確固たる取り組みにより、弊社はお客様の理想的な旅のパートナーとして際立っています。これらの牧歌的な島々の秘密を解き明かし、自然の素晴らしさと活気に満ちた文化に浸りましょう。透明な水を見て、きれいなビーチで休み、素晴らしい景色を楽しんだ瞬間は、いつまでも忘れられない思い出となるでしょう。

グリーン プラネットでは、こうした生態系の繊細なバランスを維持することがいかに重要かを理解しています。ガイドが、お客様の旅が楽しく、自然を尊重できるものになるようお手伝いします。私たちの目標は、お客様に本当の意味で深い体験を提供し、良い変化をもたらすことです。旅行者が訪れる場所をより身近に感じていただけるようお手伝いします。

ぜひ、特別な体験に参加するチャンスをつかんでください。今すぐアドベンチャーを予約して、グリーン プラネットが旅行に対する考え方を一新します。これらの場所の特別さに驚嘆し、旅行後も忘れられない思い出を作りましょう。

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  • {p} {c} per person
Longtail Boat

Longatail boat to Railay Bay.

Pickup truck

Pickup truck or Songthaews local transfer.

Green Planet

Speedboat from Ao Nang to Phuket, Koh Yao Noi, Koh Yao Yai, Railay

Chong Lard Pier

Chong Lard Pier: Where Your Koh Yao Yai Trip Begins!


Hey there! Welcome to Chong Lard Pier. This is a great spot to kick off your adventure to Koh Yao Yai. Picture this pier as your stepping stone to a lot of fun and cool discoveries about an island that's both quiet and super pretty.


Chong Lard Pier isn't just a place to dock boats – it's your doorway to everything awesome about Koh Yao Yai. Right when you get here, look up and around. You'll see a big, beautiful blue sky and feel the gentle touch of waves. It's nature's special welcome hug. The pier has this friendly vibe, making it feel like everyone's favorite hangout spot. It's also cool to see fishermen here doing their thing – it's like getting a sneak peek into how things were done in the old days on the island.

Now, let's talk about all the fun stuff you can do around here. Imagine chilling on Loh Paret Beach. The sand? Super soft. The water? Crystal clear. Feels like paradise! For those who love a good boat ride, you can't miss out on Phang Nga Bay. It's famous for these big rocks that stand tall in the water. Plus, there's the James Bond Island – yep, just like in the movies. For more exploring, consider a trip to Krabi. It's not just about beaches (though places like Railay Beach are amazing). There are peaceful spots like Thung Teao Forest where nature just wows you. And speaking of beaches, Koh Lanta is a short boat ride away. Perfect for more sun, sand, and sea fun! Want to dive into clear waters? Check out the Racha Islands. It's like an underwater wonderland. And if you've got energy to spare, take a walk up to Chong Lard Viewpoint. Trust me, the view from up there? Totally worth every step.


As you depart from Chong Lard Pier, it's natural to feel a twinge of melancholy, given the myriad experiences it offers. But hey, think about all the amazing stories and memories you'll take with you. Koh Yao Yai is more than just an island. It's like a hidden gem full of beautiful views and super welcoming people who make every second count. And when you're looking back at your trip later, always remember that your epic adventure started right here at Chong Lard Pier.

Things to Know:

Yum Alert: There's some really tasty Thai food around the pier. Make certain to take advantage of this opportunity.

Take-Home Goodies: Local shops have these cool handmade things. Perfect for gifts or memories.

Look Good & Respectful: Dress in a way that shows you know and respect the local ways.

Relax Mode: Here, we take things easy and enjoy every moment. Join in!

Clean Vibes: The island loves visitors who care. So, no littering, okay?

Nopparat Thara Pier








アンダマン海の紺碧の海は、訪れる人々に贅沢で快適な滞在と息を呑むような絶景を同時に提供します。 滞在の度に忘れられない体験となるでしょう。 さらに冒険好きな方には、有名なエメラルドプールや有名な温泉など、さらに探索する場所があります。








Bang Rong Pier

Bang Rong Pier: Gateway to Paradise


Nestled in the heart of Phuket, Bang Rong Pier serves as a fascinating gateway to the enchanting world beyond. From this pivotal point, one can launch into adventures that capture the essence of Thailand’s beauty.


Located in Phuket 83110, Thailand, Bang Rong Pier is more than just a pier; it's the beginning of countless adventures. Bang Rong Pier is surrounded by green rubber plantations. When visitors come to the pier, they see many small vessels coming and going quickly. These boats go to many different places. Watching them can make visitors curious about where all these boats are headed. Each boat's journey suggests there are many interesting spots to explore from this pier. Moreover, Bang Rong is a small Muslim community, adding a touch of cultural diversity to the experience.

Phuket Town, with its rich history and vibrant streets, serves as a lively base from which visitors can branch out. Just a short drive away is Soi Mukthalang, an area known for its local charm and attractions. Bang Rong Pier is close to Phuket Airport. At the pier, there are many small boats. People get on these boats to go to nearby islands. Seeing all the boats makes you curious about the islands they go to. It's a place where many adventures begin.

From Bang Rong Pier, many beautiful places are just a boat ride away. Many people come to the pier to catch boats to different islands. One of the popular spots is Ao Nang, known for its big cliffs and pretty beaches. Close by are the quiet islands of Koh Yao Yai and Koh Yao Noi. Here, you can kayak in the mangroves or just relax on the beach. Another great place is Koh Phi Phi, which is like a paradise with colorful fish and amazing views. If you like beaches with palm trees and nice hotels, Koh Samui is the place to go. Koh Phangan is special because it has fun parties but also calm places to relax.


Bang Rong Pier is more than just a starting point; it's the beginning of countless stories. At Bang Rong Pier, you can take a speed boat or a longtail boat. Some people also go kayaking. Many fun stories and adventures start from this place.

Things to Know:

Speedboats operate at regular intervals from Bang Rong Pier to various islands, ensuring you never have to wait too long.

For those keen on a slower, more scenic journey, the traditional longtail boat is a popular choice.

Kayaking through the mangroves near Bang Rong Pier is a popular activity, offering a unique way to experience nature.

It's always a good idea to visit Bang Rong early. The pier can get quite busy, especially during peak travel seasons.

Koh Naka is another hidden gem accessible from Bang Rong Pier, ideal for those looking for a quieter island experience.