大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}

ハジャイ から リペ島 へ

By Jolly Travel
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:00 ハジャイ, Hat Yai Train Station


5 時間 30 分


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


13:30 リペ島, Pattaya Beach


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


48 Hours before departure date
  • エコノミークラス

  • 800 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 48 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 48 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 24 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive prior to your trip's departure time no later than 30 minutes. If you are late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include Foreigner Marine park fee (200 THB, Thai 40 THB) and, Pier Entrance fee 20 THB, and any additional fees and surcharges (if any).
  • Each passenger is allowed 1 luggage size of 20-22 inches only per passenger.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • No pets allowed.
  • INFANTS are NOT allowed on speedboat.
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • MEETING POINT: please wait in front of THE TRAIN HOTEL HATYAI
  • During 15 May-14 Oct boat will stop at Sunrise Beach and during 15 Oct -14 May boat will stop at Pattaya Beach. However, it depends on tide table on that day.

Trip Information

The Gateway to the South: Hat Yai Train Station Awaits


Nestled in the heart of Hat Yai, the Hat Yai Train Station stands as a testament to connections and cultural intersection. It is a cornerstone of the State Railway of Thailand, the national train service. This bustling junction offers travelers a gateway to explore the diversity of Thailand's southern provinces such as Songkhla Province.

The Hat Yai Junction Railway Station is your starting point to a memorable journey across majestic landscapes and cities.


This pivotal hub is not just about transit. It's a portal to adventures. You can discover Surat Thani's lush vistas.

Or enjoy the beauty of islands like Koh Lipe. Or you can experience the urban allure of Kuala Lumpur.

This extensive station is equipped with six platforms. There are amenities such as an information desk, ticket counters, nearby ATMs, and two distinct toilet facilities.

The toilets offer shower access. Platform 1 entices with its array of eateries, retail stores, and genuine local food stalls. The expansive waiting area, though not air-conditioned, compensates with generous seating options.

Venturing from Hat Yai Train Station unveils a world of travel possibilities. In Hat Yai city, getting around is a breeze. Right when the Southern Line intercity trains pull in, you'll find taxis, vans, and motorbike taxis.

They are ready and waiting to take passengers wherever they need to go. It's a hassle-free way to move from the train station to your next destination!

Anticipate fares ranging from 40 to 60 THB for trips to the Hat Yai Bus Station. Further explorations require a minivan or bus, primarily departing from the bus station, a brief 2.9 km journey away. Yet, some services conveniently leave from the city center, including routes to Penang and Kuala Lumpur. Even more convenient are the direct bus services to exotic destinations like Koh Lipe, departing right from the station.

Trains at Hat Yai Train Station weave a network between diverse destinations. Routes to Bangkok immerse passengers in metropolitan vibes, while Chumphon is synonymous with coastal allure. Journeys toward Hua Hin promise an encounter with a regal resort city.

Trains going to Kuala Lumpur promise a mix of different cultures. Those heading to Surat Thani offer a path to beautiful islands and nature in the Gulf of Thailand.

Exploring the areas surrounding Hat Yai presents visitors with a trove of natural and cultural gems. First on your list should be the serene Songkhla Lake, the largest natural lake in Thailand. Not only is it a visual marvel, but the lake is also a vital fishing resource for locals.

A trip to Sungai Kolok, bordering Malaysia, offers a unique experience. This bustling town is a blend of cultures and a shopping paradise. Don't miss the opportunity to hike up Tang Kuan Hill, also known as Khao Tang Kuan.

At its summit sits a sacred Buddhist shrine, adding a spiritual dimension to its natural beauty. These sites, each offering distinct experiences, beautifully encapsulate the diversity and charm of the Hat Yai region.

Exploring around Hat Yai is exciting, especially when you find places full of stories and different cultures. One such place is Padang Besar. It's a town right on the edge where Thailand meets Malaysia at Padang Besar. Here, two countries' ways of life come together, making it a special spot to visit.

You can learn a lot about the area's past and present just by being here. It's a great way to see more of what makes this part of the world unique. The region also holds remnants from the time of the Imperial Japanese Army's presence during World War II. If you love peaceful natural spots, you'll enjoy Samila Beach.


The Hat Yai Train Station emerges as more than a pivotal transport link. It's the heartbeat of Hat Yai city. It is an emblem of the journey itself, and a melting pot of cultures, destinations, and experiences.

Things to know:

Plan ahead and book train tickets early during peak travel seasons to ensure a hassle-free journey.

Keep a close eye on personal belongings, as the station can get quite crowded.

Savor authentic local flavors at the food stalls located within the station.

Having a translation app or basic Thai phrases can be helpful.

Shared Minivan: Hat Yai Train Station - Pakbara Pier



サトゥーンの息をのむような美しい風景の中にたたずむパッカラ桟橋は、本土とアンダマン海の島々を結ぶ重要な役割を担っています。 機能的な側面だけでなく、桟橋はサトゥーンの環境の素晴らしさと人間の創意工夫の共生を体現しています。








サトゥーン県の静かな町、ラ・ングー・サトゥーンの時を超えた美しさを体験してください。 その歴史的魅力と親しみやすい住民が、タイの伝統の真髄を提供します。 地元の市場をぶらつき、郷土料理を堪能し、この趣のある町のホスピタリティに浸ってください。

ピークシーズンには、Pakbara Pier(パクバラ埠頭)が冒険への出発点となります。 島々は活気に満ち、探検の舞台として最適です。 その中でも、手つかずのビーチと豊かな海洋生物で際立つのが、Koh Lipe(リペ島)です。 静けさを求めるかスリルを求めるかにかかわらず、これらの島々は忘れられない思い出を約束します。










Speed Boat: Pakbara Pier - Pattaya Beach




パタヤビーチという名称とは異なり、パタヤビーチはパタヤではなく、リペ島にあります。 ビーチロードにはバーやレストランが数多く立ち並び、その先には人々が楽しむこともリラックスすることもできる砂浜が広がっています。 ハイシーズンが近づくと、ジェットスキーが波間を走り、ビーチリゾートは観光客で賑わい、ビーチは様変わりします。



まず、紺碧の海にそびえるドラマチックな石灰岩の崖が魅力の、アオナン(Ao Nang)があります。日が沈むと、この美しいビーチは、昼間の美しさに負けないナイトライフで活気づきます。静かな安らぎがお好みなら、クラダン島(Ko Kradan)とガイ島(Ko Ngai)の2つの楽園がおすすめです。どちらの島も、澄み切った海と空の青さが競い合うような、手つかずの美しさを象徴する場所です。

ピピ島は活気あふれる島で、冒険好きな人にはぴったりです。 ビーチはいつも興奮に包まれています。 ジェットスキーやパラセーリングなどの楽しいウォータースポーツを求めて、世界中から人々が集まってきます。

しかし、アクティビティだけではありません。 横になって太陽の光を浴びながらリラックスできる静かな場所もあります。













