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Kuah Jetty 情報

Kuah Jetty

Kuah Jetty Langkawi: Your Entry to Langkawi’s Marvels


Step onto Kuah Jetty Langkawi, the vibrant entry to Pulau Langkawi, a gem off Malaysia’s west coast. Nestled in Kuah Town, the heart of Langkawi, this lively pier is your gateway to the island’s myriad wonders.

Kuah Jetty is located on Langkawi Island. It greets visitors with warmth. Its prime position marks it as a crucial hub for recreation, commerce, and endless fun. From here, dive into Langkawi’s intricate tapestry of experiences.


Serving as the first connection between Langkawi and mainland Malaysia, Kuah Jetty offers more than just a landing. When you arrive, you can smell the Andaman Sea. It lets you know you're at the island. Jetty Point, adjacent to the pier, buzzes with life: explore stalls serving delectable local treats.

Close by, there's an amazing place called the Langkawi Sky Bridge. To get to this bridge, you can take a cable car, which is quite an exciting experience on its own. Once you're on the bridge, you can see beautiful views all around you.

The scenery from up there is truly breathtaking and offers a wide view of the surrounding beauty. Near the jetty, stores, particularly duty-free shops, display an assortment of local handicrafts and renowned international labels. Ascending from the backdrop, Gunung Raya looms as the island’s majestic peak.

Kuah Town Langkawi, integrated with the jetty, immerses you in island traditions. Eagle Square stands tall, a reflection of Langkawi's storied past. Wander around the town, embrace its charm, and great views of the Telaga Tujuh Waterfall. For Kuala Lumpur residents, this is a tranquil escape.

At Kuah Jetty, shoppers can find many duty-free shops. Nearby, there are spots where you can dive and see lots of marine life in national parks. And if you're looking to relax, the beach at Pantai Cenang is a peaceful place to visit.

From Kuah Jetty, Koh Lipe in Thailand is very close, beckoning for exploration. Furthermore, the shores of the Andaman Sea, particularly near Pantai Cenang, assure moments of pure bliss.

For night fans, Kuah Town’s nightlife vibrates with energy. As the sun sets over the Andaman Sea, the bars around the jetty come alive. Here, one can relax post-adventures and sip tropical drinks.

Next, Kuah Jetty's ferry can take you to places like mainland Malaysia or Koh Lipe in Thailand.


Kuah Jetty isn’t just an entry point. It’s the entry point to Langkawi’s treasures. From culinary delights in Kuah Town to adrenaline-packed adventures atop the Langkawi Sky Bridge, your journey starts here!

Things to Know:

Duty-Free: Kuah Jetty offers great duty-free shopping.

Island Expeditions: Use Kuah Jetty as your springboard to gems like Koh Lipe in Thailand.

Skyward Gaze: The cable car ride to Langkawi Sky Bridge promises adrenaline-packed vistas.

Natural Beauty: Explore the Telaga Tujuh Waterfall and the surrounding national park.

Cultural Footprint: Eagle Square highlights Langkawi’s heritage.

  • {pc}

  • {p} {c} per person


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豪華な船上: モダンな設備と広々とした座席で、快適な船旅をお楽しみください。

熟練の職人技: ベテランの乗組員がお客様の安全と満足のために尽力し、旅の経験をより豊かなものにします。

沿岸の魅惑: 沿岸の美しい景色を眺めながら航海をお楽しみください。

一目でわかる 就航都市

ランタ島の至福 ランタ島の素晴らしいビーチと活気ある文化の魅力を体験してください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

リペ島ヘブンを探索: リペ島のターコイズブルーの海と活気ある文化の魅力に浸ってください。素晴らしい自然と地元の活気が融合したこの島の聖域に飛び込み、思い出に残る体験をしてください。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。





私たちは、お客様の島の夢を生き生きとした現実に変えるために、包括的なサービスを慎重に作り上げました。Bundhaya Speed Boatはお客様に快適なものを提供することで、船上での時間をより良いものにします。さらに、お客様の旅を思い出深いものにするために献身的な素晴らしいクルーがいます。

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安全と安心: 私たちのクルーには経験豊富なスタッフがいますので、安全で穏やかな旅をお約束します。安全性と穏やかさがミックスされているため、確かな気持ちで心に残る思い出を作ることができます。

環境保護 ブンダヤ・スピードボートはタイの手付かずの島々を守るために揺るぎない努力を続けています。私たちは環境に配慮した活動を行い、お客様の探検が思い出以外の痕跡を残さないようにしています。