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Phuket International Airport 情報

Phuket International Airport

Phuket International Airport: Begin Your Phuket Adventure


Welcome to Phuket International Airport. It is the bustling heart of aerial transport in Thailand and the prime gateway to the mesmerizing Phuket Island. Phuket International Airport is in a great spot to welcome travelers from all over the world.

As the main entry to the area, it's the first stop for excited visitors. Those landing here are on the brink of exploring the diverse experiences Phuket Province has in store. From its beaches to its cultural richness, the airport is the launch pad for these adventures.

As you arrive at this lively airport, get ready for an exciting journey. Phuket promises beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and memorable adventures. Your exploration of Phuket commences the moment you touch down here.


When arriving at Phuket Airport, you'll see it has two main parts. There is the international terminal for flights from other countries. And the domestic terminal for flights within Thailand.

This setup helps everyone move around easily, especially when it's really busy. Phuket Airport is one of the busiest airports in Thailand.

Phuket Town and Phuket City are vibrant hubs of culture and history. Here, you can appreciate Sino-Portuguese architecture and get a taste of the local life. Patong Beach, Karon Beach, and Kata Beach are close by.

They are famous for their beautiful sands. Many people love their lively vibes. Mai Khao Beach, a bit more secluded, is another must-visit on the west coast.

The Andaman Sea is truly beautiful. When you look at it, you'll see the stunning limestone cliffs of Phang Nga Bay. And you’ll see a lot of amazing sea creatures swimming around.

You can very easily reach this beautiful spot. It is not far and it is a destination truly worthy of a visit.

Looking for a unique experience? The Phuket Smart Bus is an affordable option, with rides often around 100 baht, connecting you to key locations.

Visiting Phuket during high season? Ensure you have your transportation sorted. Car rental services are available right at the airport. It makes it easy to explore Phuket's beaches and towns at your own pace.


Phuket International Airport is more than just an arrival point; it's the start of your Phuket Island adventure. If you like beaches, you'll love the west coast. And if you prefer places like Phang Nga Bay or the busy Phuket Town and City, there's something for you too. Thus, maximize your experience.

Things to Know:

Twin primary terminals: global and local.

Diverse carriers, including Thai AirAsia and Thai Airways, are active.

Proximity to Patong Beach, a renowned resort.

Local transit via Tuk Tuks and Phuket Smart Bus.

Phang Nga Bay and Phi Phi Islands: quintessential landmarks worth a visit.

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プーケット・ニュー・トランスポート(Phuket Num Transport)なら、プーケット・タウンのローカル・バス・ステーションとのスムーズな乗り継ぎが可能です。エアコン完備のフェリーで、絵のように美しいビーチや活気ある市場へ、快適な旅をお届けします。プーケットの真髄に飛び込むために、ロジスティックスは私たちにお任せください。エアコン完備の贅沢な船旅をお楽しみください。



安全で涼しい: エアコン完備のフェリーは、お客様の安全と快適さを最優先し、信頼できるローカルバスサービスとともに楽しい旅をお約束します。

簡単な探検: ピピ島とランタ島を簡単に発見し、島の冒険を最大限にお楽しみください。

接続の利便性: プーケット空港、バスターミナル、駅からお好きな目的地までの便利なルートと、プーケットタウンでのローカルバスの乗り継ぎ。

シームレスな乗り継ぎ フェリーだけでなく、路線バスや公共交通機関への乗り継ぎもシームレスなので、島内をストレスなく移動できます。

一目でわかる 就航都市

ピピ諸島 プーケット・タウンのバスターミナルから簡単にアクセスできる、透明度の高い海と美しい景観の楽園、ピピ諸島の美しさに浸ってください。

ランタ島 ランタ島の静かなビーチを体験し、地元の文化に浸ってください。当社のサービスやローカルバスのオプションで、手間をかけずに乗り継ぐことができます。

パトンビーチ 賑やかなナイトライフと手つかずの自然が残る海岸線で知られるパトンビーチで、活気あふれるエネルギーを発見してください。

オールド・プーケット・タウン(Old Phuket Town):カラフルな中国・ポルトガルの建築物や賑やかなマーケットが独特の雰囲気を醸し出すオールド・プーケット・タウンの歴史的魅力に浸ってください。
