大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}

サムイ島 から カオソック国立公園 へ

By Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:30 サムイ島, Maenam Pier


4 時間


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


12:30 カオソック国立公園, Khao Sok National Park


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


72 Hours before departure date
  • エコノミークラス

  • 1,500 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 72 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 72 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 24 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Passengers shall arrive at the Lomprayah check in point at least 45-60 minutes before the departure time to confirm the trip. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include an entrance fee, any additional fees and surcharges (if any).
  • Each passenger is allowed 1 luggage not over 30 kg. and 1 carry-on baggage not over 10 kg. (Luggage size not over 119 x 119 x 81 cm., Carry-on baggage size not over 56 x 36 x 23 cm.). The excess limit will be charged 200THB per bag and paid directly to the staff.
  • Water sports equipment will be charged 400 THB for travel by bus and boat, or 300 THB for travel by boat only.
  • Bicycles - will be charged 700 THB (folding bicycles only) for travel by bus and boat, or 500THB for travel by boat only.
  • Pets are not allowed on board.
  • The vehicle is subject to change depending on the amount of passengers.
  • If the date and time specified on the ticket passed already, it cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded in any cases.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • The passenger needs to sign the travel insurance document for the passenger’s right of the insurance of Lomprayah Office.
  • INFANT: 0-1 years old is free of charge, sit with parent.
  • CHILD: 2 - 11 years old pay as child price
  • In occasions, you might be required to board a speedboat or fast ferry.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel with the Speedboat.
  • Vehicle to Surat Thani Town is subject to change depending on amount of passengers.
  • CHECK IN POINT: Lomprayah counter at Maenam Pier (Pralarn Pier)
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for pregnant women, children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.
  • The bus/minivan will stop in front of Khao Sok National Park.

Trip Information

メーナム・ピア サムイ島の冒険はここから始まる






メーナム桟橋から車ですぐのところに、サムイ島のもうひとつの素晴らしいスポットがあります: ボプットビーチです。このビーチが特別なのは、フィッシャーマンズ・ビレッジがあるからです。昔と今が一緒になった場所です。













島トリオ: サムイ島、パンガン島、タオ島が待っています。タイ湾には3つの宝石があります: 豪華な隠れ家があるサムイ島、象徴的なフルムーン・パーティーで知られるパンガン島、そしてダイバーのパラダイス、タオ島です。

メーナム・ブリス メーナム・ビーチでリラックス。サムイ島のメーナムビーチは静かなオアシスで、柔らかな黄金色の砂浜が穏やかな波に撫でられています。

文化のつながり: フィッシャーマンズ・ビレッジで伝統に触れる。ボプット・ビーチにあるフィッシャーマンズ・ビレッジは、サムイ島の豊かな歴史と文化のるつぼです。

冒険への入り口: パンガン島とタオ島でダイビングやパーティーを楽しみましょう。スリルを求める方やパーティー好きの方には、パンガン島の有名なフルムーンパーティーやタオ島の有名なダイビングスポットがおすすめです。

ラグジュアリー・ゲッタウェイ: サンティブリ・コー・サムイでスタイリッシュな滞在を。サンティブリ・コー・サムイは、自然の中の贅沢を体現しています。

Speed Boat: Maenam Pier - Donsak Pier

ドンサック桟橋を発見: スラタニの玄関口






1. 便利なアクセス: スラタニ空港から簡単にアクセスできるドンサック桟橋は、島の冒険の理想的な出発点です。近くにはラジャフェリーポートやシートランフェリーなどの桟橋もあります。

2. 頻繁なフェリーサービス: 定期的に出航しているので、旅の計画を柔軟に立てることができます。

3. 風光明媚な周辺環境: フェリーを待つ間、美しい海岸の景色をお楽しみください。

4. 地元の味: 地元の市場を発見し、近くで本場のタイ料理を味わってください。

5. 楽園への入り口: 美しいビーチと活気ある文化で有名なサムイ島とパンガン島へシームレスにつながります。


1. 身軽な旅を: フェリーは荷物の制限がある場合があるので、賢く荷物をまとめましょう。

2. 早めに到着する: 遅くとも出発の1時間前には到着し、スムーズな乗船手続きを。

3. スケジュールを確認する: フェリーの時刻は変動することがあるので、必ず出発時刻を確認すること。

4. 水分補給: 特に暑い日は水を持ち歩くこと。

5. 現地通貨: 桟橋でのちょっとした買い物のためにタイバーツを用意しておく。


バス: Donsak Pier - Surat Thani Town: Tapee Pier

魅惑のゲートウェイ スラタニ・タピー桟橋





桟橋から南国の楽園サムイ島へ繰り出せば、手つかずのビーチがあなたの足跡を待っています。さらにエキサイティングな体験を求める方には、パンガン島の有名なフルムーン・パーティーが思い出に残る夜をお約束します。一方、静かな湾があるタオ島は、静寂を求める心を誘います。また、静かなバン・ドン・ベイ(Ban Don Bay)の海岸まで、穏やかな旅に出るのも一案だ。

スラタニでの滞在 - タイ南部の鼓動:

スラタニの町は、伝統的な魅力と現代的なダイナミズムがシームレスに融合しています。通りを歩けば、賑やかな市場や香り高い屋台があなたを誘います。善良な人々の街」と呼ばれるスラタニは、高層ビル、混雑した小道、豊かな歴史、奥深い文化が融合した賑やかな街です。そのスピリチュアルな核となるのが、都会の喧騒の中にある静寂の隠れ家、シティ・ピラー・シュライン(City Pillar Shrine)です。









カオソック国立公園(Khao Sok National Park)に行く場合は、履きなれたハイキングシューズと蚊よけスプレーを用意しましょう。

バス: Surat Thani Town: Tapee Pier - Khao Sok National Park

Khao Sok National Park Collection Point


The Khao Sok National Park is nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Surat Thani Province. It serves as more than just a gateway to nature's wonders. Its convenient location has also transformed it into a bustling hub for travelers. At your hotel, or at the national park's main entrance, there are trusty buses and vans ready for you. They're there to help with your trip. They ensure you have a smooth journey, no matter your starting point. With frequent departures, these vehicles effortlessly bridge Khao Sok with Thailand's iconic destinations like Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and Koh Tao. Good transportation helps travelers move easily. Whether you're going to the mountains or the islands, you can get there smoothly. It's designed to make the switch from one experience to the other smooth for everyone.


Khao Sok National Park, nestled deep in the Surat Thani Province, is a testament to Thailand's pristine beauty. As you enter, Cheow Lan Lake, with its mirror-like reflections, greets you. The lake's vast expanse showcases nature in its most breathtaking form. The limestone mountains, iconic of the region, rise majestically, punctuating the horizon. This park is where the secrets of the wild resonate with every step.

Khao Sok is not merely a park; it serves as a gateway to nature's profound mysteries. Within its boundaries, it houses a critical transport junction, allowing you to venture into other parts of Thailand effortlessly. From here, the Gulf of Thailand’s jewels - Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and Koh Tao - await your exploration. These are not merely destinations; they represent individual chapters in a distinct narrative of exploration.

Khao Sok National Park can be described as nature's canvas. The limestone mountains stand tall, their peaks hidden in the mists. Cheow Lan Lake, also known as Ratchaprapha Dam, sits serenely in the park's heart. A boat ride here, especially on traditional longtail boats, feels like traversing through a dreamscape.

The flora and fauna in the park are rich and varied. Wild animals make their presence known with distant calls and fleeting glimpses. Staying overnight in Khao Sok offers an immersive experience. The floating bungalows in Khao Sok are a must-try, providing a harmonious blend of nature and comfort.

Khao Sok Village, situated near the national park, is a cultural mosaic. In this realm, the age-old traditions of Thailand vividly spring to life. The village streets hum with activity. Artisans crafting, the fragrant allure of Thai cuisine in the air, and the promise of stories untold.

A stay in Khao Sok is an immersion into nature's vast tapestry. Beyond the daytime explorations, the magic amplifies as dusk settles. Here, the symphony of the wilderness comes alive, with distant animal calls echoing through the verdant canopies. Lodging offer a harmonious blend of comfort and raw nature. It ranges from eco-friendly lodges to enchanting floating bungalows on the Cheow Lan Lake. The mornings are a spectacle, with the sun peeking through limestone mountains and the chorus of wildlife greeting the dawn. The essence of a stay in Khao Sok is not just about a place to sleep. It is an opportunity to connect and become one with Thailand's wilderness.

For the adventurous, Khao Sok becomes a base for many thrilling exploits. Bamboo rafting, offered at the village, lets you float on nature's very essence. When evening falls, the park is a different realm. Embarking on a night safari here delves deep into the enigmatic core of the wilderness.

But beyond Khao Sok’s borders, the Surat Thani Province is filled with wonders. Ko Samui, sitting proudly in the Gulf of Thailand, is a palette of experiences. Golden sands extend a heartfelt embrace to each visitor. On Koh Samui, the very heart of the island resonates with a fervent and unyielding rhythm. Ancient temples like the Wat Phra Borommathat Chaiya stand as silent witnesses to Thailand's storied past. Each nook and cranny of Ko Samui murmurs the stories and legends from bygone eras.

Koh Tao, often referred to as Turtle Island, stands out as a radiant jewel among Thailand's numerous islands. Beneath its shimmering blue waves, there exists a vibrant underwater kingdom bursting with an array of life forms. There are many amazing fish swimming around, and the sight of big manta rays is truly beautiful. The underwater view is simply stunning. Divers and marine enthusiasts from every corner of the planet hold this island in high regard. They often speak of their experiences with an air of reverence. The reason is clear. Diving into the depths of Koh Tao's waters is like plunging into a living kaleidoscope. Here, every hue and shade imaginable paints scenes of marine wonders. It makes it an unparalleled underwater adventure that is simply not to be missed.

The central transportation hub within Khao Sok facilitates these adventures. From here, day tours and day trips to neighboring attractions are easily accessible. The Surat Thani Airport, a major gateway, ensures that Khao Sok is within easy reach for global travelers.

Koh Phangan, nestled in the Gulf of Thailand, is not just an island. It’s an experience that leaves an indelible mark on its visitors. This island is famous for its big full moon parties with lots of music and dancing. But that's not all it has to offer. There's a lot more to explore and enjoy on the island besides just the night parties. Koh Phangan isn't just about parties. It has peaceful beaches, lush jungles, and secret waterfalls. The island shows many beautiful sides of nature. The island has beautiful sandy beaches where you can relax and think. The island also has big green forests. These forests are great for adventurous people who want to explore and see what's hidden inside. Koh Phangan is special because it has both quiet nature spots and lively parties. This mix of calm and celebration makes it a unique place to visit.

Surat Thani Province, located in the southern region of Thailand, is a land of contrasts and wonders. When planning a trip across the area, two places are a must-visit: Ban Ta Khun and the City Pillar Shrine. Both spots are important highlights.

Ban Ta Khun is not just a destination, but a serene retreat, offering an authentic glimpse into Thai countryside living. As you explore this peaceful place, you'll see winding rivers and houses on stilts. These show how the people here live closely with nature. They've built their homes in a way that works with the environment. The verdant backdrop, punctuated by sounds of distant temple chimes and local wildlife, paints a portrait of timeless beauty. In this place, people value old traditions and share stories from the past. Everywhere you go, it feels like nature is quietly speaking to you.

Ban Ta Khun is a place where you can find peace in nature. Meanwhile, the City Pillar Shrine shows the area's strong spiritual beliefs and cultural history. It's not just a religious site, but a living narrative of the province's history and beliefs. Elaborately adorned with intricate carvings and adorned in gold leaf, the shrine gleams with both reverence and grandeur. The air around it is thick with devotion, as locals and visitors alike come to offer their prayers and seek blessings. As you stand before it, you're not merely witnessing a monument. You are participating in a continuum of faith that has spanned generations.

Ban Ta Khun is known for its beautiful nature, while the City Pillar Shrine is a spiritual spot. Both places add special parts to the big story of Surat Thani. Each place has its own special appeal in this province. They invite visitors to explore and enjoy all the amazing things here.


Every journey in and around Khao Sok National Park is a mosaic of experiences. With each day trip, a new chapter in the travel guide of your life is written. From wild animals and Khao Sok Village's charm to limestone mountains, Khao Sok offers a mix of sights and sounds.

Things to know:

The transport hub in Khao Sok is the heartbeat of the Surat Thani Province.

Punctuality is highly recommended: Expect buses and minivans to be timely.

Communication is easy; the staff speaks basic English.

The station offers top-tier security and amenities for travelers.

Direct tickets to various Thai landmarks are available.