大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}

サムイ島 から ランタ島 へ

By Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:30 サムイ島, Maenam Pier


8 時間


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


16:30 ランタ島, Saladan Pier


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


72 Hours before departure date
  • エコノミークラス

  • 1,500 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 72 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 72 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 24 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Passengers shall arrive at the Lomprayah check in point at least 45-60 minutes before the departure time to confirm the trip. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include an entrance fee, any additional fees and surcharges (if any).
  • Each passenger is allowed 1 luggage not over 30 kg. and 1 carry-on baggage not over 10 kg. (Luggage size not over 119 x 119 x 81 cm., Carry-on baggage size not over 56 x 36 x 23 cm.). The excess limit will be charged 200THB per bag and paid directly to the staff.
  • Water sports equipment will be charged 400 THB for travel by bus and boat, or 300 THB for travel by boat only.
  • Bicycles - will be charged 700 THB (folding bicycles only) for travel by bus and boat, or 500THB for travel by boat only.
  • Pets are not allowed on board.
  • The vehicle is subject to change depending on the amount of passengers.
  • If the date and time specified on the ticket passed already, it cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded in any cases.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • The passenger needs to sign the travel insurance document for the passenger’s right of the insurance of Lomprayah Office.
  • INFANT: 0-1 years old is free of charge, sit with parent.
  • CHILD: 2 - 11 years old pay as child price
  • In occasions, you might be required to board a speedboat or fast ferry.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel with the Speedboat.
  • Vehicle to Krabi is subject to change depending on amount of passengers.
  • CHECK IN POINT: Lomprayah counter at Maenam Pier (Pralarn Pier)
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for pregnant women, children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.

Trip Information

メーナム・ピア サムイ島の冒険はここから始まる






メーナム桟橋から車ですぐのところに、サムイ島のもうひとつの素晴らしいスポットがあります: ボプットビーチです。このビーチが特別なのは、フィッシャーマンズ・ビレッジがあるからです。昔と今が一緒になった場所です。













島トリオ: サムイ島、パンガン島、タオ島が待っています。タイ湾には3つの宝石があります: 豪華な隠れ家があるサムイ島、象徴的なフルムーン・パーティーで知られるパンガン島、そしてダイバーのパラダイス、タオ島です。

メーナム・ブリス メーナム・ビーチでリラックス。サムイ島のメーナムビーチは静かなオアシスで、柔らかな黄金色の砂浜が穏やかな波に撫でられています。

文化のつながり: フィッシャーマンズ・ビレッジで伝統に触れる。ボプット・ビーチにあるフィッシャーマンズ・ビレッジは、サムイ島の豊かな歴史と文化のるつぼです。

冒険への入り口: パンガン島とタオ島でダイビングやパーティーを楽しみましょう。スリルを求める方やパーティー好きの方には、パンガン島の有名なフルムーンパーティーやタオ島の有名なダイビングスポットがおすすめです。

ラグジュアリー・ゲッタウェイ: サンティブリ・コー・サムイでスタイリッシュな滞在を。サンティブリ・コー・サムイは、自然の中の贅沢を体現しています。

Speed Boat: Maenam Pier - Donsak Pier

ドンサック桟橋を発見: スラタニの玄関口






1. 便利なアクセス: スラタニ空港から簡単にアクセスできるドンサック桟橋は、島の冒険の理想的な出発点です。近くにはラジャフェリーポートやシートランフェリーなどの桟橋もあります。

2. 頻繁なフェリーサービス: 定期的に出航しているので、旅の計画を柔軟に立てることができます。

3. 風光明媚な周辺環境: フェリーを待つ間、美しい海岸の景色をお楽しみください。

4. 地元の味: 地元の市場を発見し、近くで本場のタイ料理を味わってください。

5. 楽園への入り口: 美しいビーチと活気ある文化で有名なサムイ島とパンガン島へシームレスにつながります。


1. 身軽な旅を: フェリーは荷物の制限がある場合があるので、賢く荷物をまとめましょう。

2. 早めに到着する: 遅くとも出発の1時間前には到着し、スムーズな乗船手続きを。

3. スケジュールを確認する: フェリーの時刻は変動することがあるので、必ず出発時刻を確認すること。

4. 水分補給: 特に暑い日は水を持ち歩くこと。

5. 現地通貨: 桟橋でのちょっとした買い物のためにタイバーツを用意しておく。


バス: Donsak Pier - Thunglong, Lomprayah Office

Thunglong Lomprayah Office: Your Hub for Lomprayah Buses


Thunglong Lomprayah Office stands as a beacon in Krabi, heralding the start of an exceptional Thai journey. With Lomprayah buses at the ready, this is your ticket to adventure. Situated in the heart of Krabi Town, the Lomprayah Office guarantees a hassle-free transition from city hustle to island retreat. This cornerstone in the ferry operation in Thailand is your passport to places like Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, and beyond. Thunglong Lomprayah Office is also a ferry pier.


As you step into the Thunglong Lomprayah Office, the allure of high-speed catamaran ferries becomes evident. These aren't just any ferries; they're the only high-speed catamaran passenger ferries that promise a seamless voyage. The friendly crew's got your back, pointing you to the right Lomprayah bus or that zippy high-speed ferry. Are you set to go? They're available to assist.

For those moments in-between, the surroundings are immaculate. ATMs are available, and the office ensures clean, well-maintained facilities. The heartbeat of Krabi Town is within reach, with its bustling markets and delights.

Just a stone's throw away lies the pristine Ao Nang Beach, easily accessible with a Lomprayah bus booking. And for the spiritually inclined, the revered Tiger Cave Temple beckons, a quick Lomprayah ride away.

Thunglong Lomprayah Office: Your Premier Hub for Lomprayah Buses and Gateway to Boundless Destinations. Whether you're setting sights on Koh Samui Nathon Pier, Bangrak Pier, or even Hua Hin, the Lomprayah Office is your gateway. The Thunglong Lomprayah Office simplifies journeys to sought-after destinations like Koh Samui and Koh Phangan. Their cutting-edge ferry services ensure a seamless transit, especially on the popular Samui Koh Phangan route. Travelers can rely on this hub for efficient and hassle-free connections.

With its prime location, spontaneous shopping sprees or a dive into Thai culinary wonders is always an option. The high-speed catamaran passenger ferry service makes island-hopping a breeze. As you venture between these captivating islands, it's clear: Thailand is giving you a journey to remember.


The Thunglong Lomprayah Office in Thailand is more than just a bus or ferry stop. It's the starting point for many exciting trips to Thailand's beautiful islands. They have a big collection of Lomprayah buses and speedy boats called high-speed catamaran ferries. This means whether you're taking a bus ride or hopping on a ferry, your journey will be easy and comfortable. Think of it as a doorway to all the beauty Thailand has to offer. With the expert team at this office, you know you're in good hands, and your adventure will be memorable.

Things to Know:

Signages in English guide your path.

Premier security and lighting systems are in place.

Multiple ticket options provide flexibility.

Ferry services to various islands are available at the ferry pier.

The location is a hub for both bus and ferry transit.

Shared Minivan: Thunglong, Lomprayah Office - Saladan Pier





タイの隠れた宝石、静かなビーチと豊かな文化の島、ランタ島を探訪してみませんか。 ランタ島は、ランタヤイ島とランタノイ島の2つの主要な島からなり、理想的なバケーションの地です。 どこまでも続く砂浜、中でもロングビーチは日光浴を楽しむ人々に人気です。 その海岸の向こうには、多様な動植物が息づくランタ国立公園が広がっています。特に、島の未開の地を探検したい方には必見の場所です。 また、ランタ動物福祉協会は島の動物の保護に尽力しており、こちらも訪れる価値があります。

サラダン桟橋はランタヤイ島の中心ですが、他の有名なスポットへの足がかりにもなっています。 活気あふれる海洋生物と独特な石灰岩の崖で知られるピピ島へは、船で短時間で行くことができます。

静かな逃避行を求める人には、透明度の高い海と手つかずのビーチが魅力のロク島が理想的です。 また、サラダンからはプーケット、ライレイ、クラビといった場所にも行くことができます。 タイ南部の宝石を巡る旅の拠点として、この桟橋は最適です。







