大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}

タオ島 から スラタニ へ

By Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


11:00 タオ島, メーハッド桟橋


2 時間 30 分


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


13:30 スラタニ, スラタニタウン:タピー埠頭


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


72 Hours before departure date
  • エコノミークラス

  • 1,000 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 72 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 72 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 48 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 48 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Passengers must check in at the Lomprayah check-in point 1 hour before departure time. The ticket will be expired for late arrivals, which are non-refundable and non-changeable.
  • You can check in using an e-ticket on your mobile device. Please ensure you check in with the correct operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include an entrance fee, any additional fees and surcharges (if any).
  • Passengers are entitled to carry 1 large of luggage with a weight not exceeding 20 kilograms (More than 20 kilograms - additional 200 baht) **Small luggage items, handbags, shoulder bags, small suitcases - no additional cost.
  • Water sports equipment will be charged 400 THB for travel by bus and boat, or 300 THB for travel by boat only.
  • Bicycles - will be charged 700 THB (folding bicycles only) for travel by bus and boat, or 500THB for travel by boat only.
  • Passengers are allowed to bring pets on board (excluding bus/minivan). Each pet must be kept in a separate cage, and a pet fee of 200 THB per item will be charged at the ticket counter. Passengers are responsible for securing their pets with chains or leashes at all times during the trip, and pets must not be released without a leash. Any damage caused to other passengers or their belongings by pets is the responsibility of the pet owner.
  • The vehicle is subject to change depending on the amount of passengers.
  • If the date and time specified on the ticket passed already, it cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded in any cases.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • The passenger needs to sign the travel insurance document for the passenger’s right of the insurance of Lomprayah Office.
  • INFANT: 0-1 years old is free of charge, sit with parent.
  • CHILD: 2 - 10 years old pay as child price
  • In occasions, you might be required to board a speedboat or fast ferry.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel with the Speedboat.
  • Passengers are strongly encouraged to book and travel at least 24 hours prior to their flight. Boat schedules may be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen events. Lomprayah is not responsible for any missed flights.
  • ***Please arrive at the pier at least 1 hour before departure, as the operator may change piers based on weather and sea conditions. If a change occurs, the operator will offer complimentary land transfer to customers who arrive before 1 hour. However, free land transfer will not be provided for late arrivals.
  • CHECK IN POINT: at Lomprayah counter at Mae Haad Pier
  • Vehicle is subject to change depending on amount of passengers.
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for pregnant women, children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.

Trip Information

タオ島メーハード桟橋: アイランド・エスケープへの出発点








メーハード桟橋は、たくさんの冒険の出発点です。穏やかなメーナム桟橋 絵のように美しいトンサラ・ビーチ。メーハード桟橋に一歩足を踏み入れると、数え切れないほどの冒険が始まります。この賑やかな桟橋は単なる入口ではなく、タオ島の宝物やその先へのアクセスカードなのです。リズミカルな波と魅惑的な景色に導かれるように、あなたの道を進みましょう。



自然を尊重しましょう: ジャンソム湾の海の驚異を楽しみながら、繊細な海のバランスを保つために、環境に優しいシュノーケリングをしましょう。

シームレスなつながり: メーハード桟橋は単なる桟橋ではありません。高速フェリーネットワークへのリンクであり、島の移動は簡単です。

地元のグルメ: メーハード村の活気ある雰囲気に浸ってください。タオ島ならではの伝統的なタイ料理の味をお楽しみください。

宿泊施設の選択 タオ島にはさまざまなホテルやリゾートがあり、好みや予算に合わせて選ぶことができます。


サンセットビーチ サイリー・ビーチはタオ島にある金色の砂浜で、鮮やかな夕日と賑やかなビーチサイドのバーで知られています。

Speed Boat: メーハッド桟橋 - スラタニタウン:タピー埠頭

魅惑のゲートウェイ スラタニ・タピー桟橋





桟橋から南国の楽園サムイ島へ繰り出せば、手つかずのビーチがあなたの足跡を待っています。さらにエキサイティングな体験を求める方には、パンガン島の有名なフルムーン・パーティーが思い出に残る夜をお約束します。一方、静かな湾があるタオ島は、静寂を求める心を誘います。また、静かなバン・ドン・ベイ(Ban Don Bay)の海岸まで、穏やかな旅に出るのも一案だ。

スラタニでの滞在 - タイ南部の鼓動:

スラタニの町は、伝統的な魅力と現代的なダイナミズムがシームレスに融合しています。通りを歩けば、賑やかな市場や香り高い屋台があなたを誘います。善良な人々の街」と呼ばれるスラタニは、高層ビル、混雑した小道、豊かな歴史、奥深い文化が融合した賑やかな街です。そのスピリチュアルな核となるのが、都会の喧騒の中にある静寂の隠れ家、シティ・ピラー・シュライン(City Pillar Shrine)です。









カオソック国立公園(Khao Sok National Park)に行く場合は、履きなれたハイキングシューズと蚊よけスプレーを用意しましょう。