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Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club 정보

Satun Pakbara Speed Boat Club

Satun Pakbara 스피드 보트: 놀라운 섬이 기다립니다

태국의 아름다운 해안선을 탐험할 수 있는 신뢰할 수 있는 페리 회사인 Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat에 탑승하신 것을 환영합니다. 교통 서비스의 편리함과 발견의 즐거움을 결합한 여행에 동참해 보세요. 안다만 해의 맑고 푸른 바닷물을 가로질러 항해하는 현대식 선박 중 하나를 타고 있는 여러분의 모습을 상상해 보십시오. 항해하면서 코리뻬(Koh Lipe), 코응아이(Koh Ngai), 코크라단(Koh Kradan)과 같은 숨겨진 보물을 발견할 기회를 갖게 됩니다.

Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat에서는 여행이 단순히 목적지에 도달하는 것 이상이라고 믿습니다. 짠 바람, 새로운 섬에 다가가는 기대감, 그리고 동료 여행자들과 나누는 미소 등 그 사이의 순간에 관한 것입니다. 우리는 당신을 위해 이러한 순간을 만들고 페리 여행을 그 자체의 모험으로 만들기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

우리 선박은 단순한 운송 수단이 아닙니다. 그들은 탐험 항해의 동반자입니다. 편안한 좌석과 세심한 승무원으로 고객의 편안함과 만족을 보장합니다. 갑판에 누워 계시거나, 아름다운 해안선의 사진을 찍으시거나, 동료 승객들과 대화를 나누시든, 우리와 함께하는 모든 순간은 즐거움을 위해 만들어졌습니다.

목가적인 작은 만, 다채로운 산호초, 프라낭 동굴과 같은 매혹적인 동굴로 여러분을 안내하면서 안다만 해의 반짝이는 바다를 항해하면서 우리와 함께 하세요. 해변 애호가, 자연 애호가, 단순히 휴식을 추구하는 분 모두를 위한 목적지가 있습니다. 그리고 부두에서 뒤로 물러나면서 안다만의 아름다움에 대한 추억을 간직하게 될 것입니다.

Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat는 단순한 페리 회사가 아닙니다. 우리는 잊을 수 없는 경험으로 가는 관문입니다. 우리와 함께 태국의 멋진 해안을 탐험해보세요.

집에 돌아와도 기억에 남는 정말 멋진 추억을 만드실 수 있을 거예요. 우리는 단순히 차량 서비스를 제공하는 것이 아니라 귀하의 여행을 재미있고 편안하게 만드는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 그것은 아늑한 보트 타기와 결합된 큰 모험과 같습니다.

우리의 멋진 보트는 단지 여행을 위한 것이 아닙니다. 꿈과 모험으로 가득한 마법의 배와 같습니다. 앉을 수 있는 공간이 많고, 여러분을 보살펴 주는 친절한 직원과 여러분을 편안하게 해주는 것들이 있습니다. 우리 보트는 일반적인 보트 여행보다 여행을 훨씬 더 재미있게 만들어줍니다. 고요한 섬을 원하시든, 분주한 해변을 원하시든, 우리는 당신을 위한 완벽한 장소를 갖추고 있습니다.

아름다운 안다만해로 여행을 떠나보세요. 비밀스러운 해변, 형형색색의 산호초, 오래전 이야기가 담긴 신비한 동굴 등 숨겨진 장소를 탐험할 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다. 이 놀라운 수중 세계를 안내하는 친절한 가이드인 Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat를 상상해 보세요. 마치 바다와 하늘이 어우러져 모든 것을 평화롭고 숨막히게 만드는 그림 속을 항해하는 것과 같습니다.

사명과 비전:

임무: 배에 올라 태국 해안을 탐험하는 놀라운 시간을 보내세요. 정말 재미있고 좋은 추억을 만드실 수 있을 거예요. 우리는 단순한 차량 서비스가 아닙니다. 우리는 귀하의 여행을 매우 흥미롭고 편안하게 만드는 것입니다. 마치 아늑한 보트를 타고 떠나는 큰 모험과도 같습니다.

비전: Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat Club에서는 페리만 운행하는 것이 아니라 더 큰 계획을 가지고 있습니다. 우리는 방랑자의 호기심 많은 영혼과 바다의 천상의 신비를 연결하는 통로가 되기를 열망합니다. 

회사 서비스:

Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat Club은 안다만 해의 깨끗한 바다를 항해하는 데 있어 확고한 파트너입니다. 우리의 최첨단 선박은 노련한 승무원의 따뜻한 환대와 함께 신속하고 고급스러운 항해를 보장합니다. 귀하의 안전과 편안함은 우리 약속의 최전선에 있으며, 귀하는 긴장을 풀고 주변의 경외심을 불러일으키는 풍경에 몰입할 수 있습니다.

당사의 직관적인 온라인 예약 플랫폼은 원활한 예약 프로세스를 보장하여 귀하가 쉽게 탑승할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 예약부터 현실까지, 우리의 목표는 우리 선박을 감싸는 잔잔한 파도처럼 여러분의 여행을 순조롭고 잊을 수 없는 여행으로 만드는 것입니다.

주요 특징들:

타협을 넘어서는 안전:
안전에 대한 우리의 확고한 헌신에는 안전한 여행을 보장하기 위한 엄격한 프로토콜이 포함됩니다.

추격전 시작: 당사의 현대식 보트는 편안한 승차감을 보장하므로 원활하게 항해할 수 있습니다. 우리의 숙련된 승무원은 귀하의 여행이 안전하고 기억에 남는 멋진 것들로 가득 차 있는지 확인합니다.

손쉬운 예약 경험: 사용자 친화적인 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 여행의 모든 ​​복잡성을 제거하여 손쉽게 통행을 확보하세요.

한 눈에 보기: 우리가 제공하는 일부 목적지

피피섬 탈출: 깨끗한 해변과 드라마틱한 풍경이 손짓하는 피피섬의 매혹적인 매력에 푹 빠져보세요. 

크라비 섬 휴양지: 자연의 아름다움이 담긴 오아시스인 크라비의 고요한 해변에서 활력을 되찾으세요. 

라일레이 해변 보호구역(Railay Beach Sanctuary): 비교할 수 없는 고요함과 아름다움을 지닌 안식처인 라일레이 해변에서 위안을 찾으세요.

Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat Club은 경계를 초월하는 여정을 시작하도록 진심 어린 초대를 보냅니다. 우리는 섬의 즐거움을 위한 파트너이며, 귀하의 여행을 정말 멋지게 만드는 데 전념하고 있습니다. 태국의 아름다운 해안에서 편안하고 신나는 시간을 보내실 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.


지금 자리를 예약하고 Satun Pakbara Speed ​​Boat Club에서 바다 모험 이야기를 들려주세요. 해안 마법의 정수를 구현하는 청록색 바다와 풍경 속에서 모험이 펼쳐질 준비가 되어 있습니다.

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  • {p} {c} per person
선택한 날짜에는 이 여행이 이용 불가능합니다

Shared Minivan from/to Hat Yai Airport

Ferry / Southern 1

Ferry from/to Langkawi

Speedboat / Fairus

Speed Boat

Pattaya Beach

Explore the Splendor of Pattaya Beach on Koh Lipe


Dive deep into the wonders of Pattaya Beach, nestled in the breathtaking Koh Lipe island. This haven is a harmonious blend of clear turquoise waters and glistening golden sands. Whether you're yearning for tranquil moments under the sun or seeking thrill-filled adventures, Pattaya Beach promises an memorable experience.


Contrary to its name, Pattaya Beach isn't located in Pattaya but rests on Koh Lipe. There's a beach road with lots of bars and restaurants. It leads to the sandy beach where people can have fun or relax. As the high season approaches, the beach transforms, with jet skis cruising the waves and beach resorts bustling with visitors.

Koh Lipe, often referred to as the "Maldives of Thailand", is a small island surrounded by the vast Andaman Sea. Known for its beautiful beaches like Sunrise Beach and Sunset Beach, it's also home to a lush national park. The nearby islands, including small islands, are perfect for day trips. On the other hand, the Jomtien Beach offers a nice view and a change of scenery.

The Pattaya Beach pier is more than just a docking point. It's a portal to an array of captivating destinations that are just a boat ride away.

Firstly, Ao Nang beckons with its dramatic limestone cliffs that rise above the azure waters. As the sun sets, this beautiful beach locale comes alive with a nightlife that rivals the shimmer of its daytime beauty. If tranquil serenity is more your speed, consider the twin paradises of Ko Kradan and Ko Ngai. Both islands are emblematic of pristine beauty, where the clarity of the waters rivals the purity of the skies above.

Koh Phi Phi is a lively island that's perfect for adventure seekers. Its beaches are always buzzing with excitement. People from all over come to try fun water sports like jet skiing and parasailing.

But it's not all about the action. There are also quiet spots where you can lie down, feel the sun on your face, and just relax.

Koh Lanta is another beautiful island, offering a balance of fun and calm. Its shores are filled with visitors eager to dive into thrilling water activities. However, just like Koh Phi Phi, Koh Lanta also has its peaceful corners. Here, you can find the perfect spot to enjoy the sun and the soothing sounds of the waves.

In contrast, Ko Yao Noi offers a gentle embrace for the soul. This island retreat whispers of solitude and serenity, making it an idyllic spot for meditation and relaxation. If you're planning to visit the famous Krabi province, there are two main ways to get there.

One is by flying into Krabi Airport. The other is by going to Klong Jilad Pier. Both places give you a special view and feel of the area's beauty. It's like getting a sneak peek of the wonderful sights you're about to see.

Crossing borders, Langkawi, Malaysia's treasured island, is within reach. Known as the "Jewel of Kedah", it melds stunning natural landscapes with a tapestry of cultural tales and traditions. Back in Thailand, Phuket reigns supreme as the go-to island hotspot. If you arrive at Phuket Airport or come by boat to Ao Po or Rassada Piers, you'll find lots of things to do. There are busy markets and famous temples to visit.

Adventure fans will find their heart's calling at Railay Bay. Rock climbing enthusiasts challenge the imposing limestone crags. Beach lovers are treated to panoramas that seem painted by the gods.

Trang is a place you can reach by flying to Trang Airport or going to Had Yao. It has special places not many know about and cool things to see. Everyone who visits will have a special time..


In essence, Pattaya Beach is a vibrant mosaic of experiences waiting to be explored. This beach has a lot to offer. You can learn about its culture, enjoy the natural beauty, or visit nearby places.

It's a great spot to make special memories. Dive into the heart of Koh Lipe and experience a world where adventure, relaxation, and beauty converge.

Things to know:

Walking Street: Pattaya Beach's vibrant stretch, filled with shops, bars, and restaurants.

Central Festival Pattaya Beach: A must-visit shopping haven for all beach-goers.

Castaway Resort Koh Lipe: Highly recommended for a luxurious stay.

Review Genuineness: Always ensure you consult platforms that perform checks on reviews before making any reservations.

Sun Protection: The tropical sun can be intense; don't forget your sunscreen and protective gear.

Hat Yai Airport

Hat Yai Airport: Your Key to Discovering Southern Thailand


Touching down at Hat Yai International Airport, you are immediately enveloped in the inviting warmth and vibrant culture of Southern Thailand. Located in the heart of Songkhla Province, Hat Yai is more than just an airport. It's the proverbial key to a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be unearthed.

You leave the busy airport. Many different views greet you. There are green coasts with palm trees by the Gulf of Thailand. You also see clear, blue waters of the Andaman Sea.

Every turn promises new vistas, every encounter offers authentic connections. Every moment invites you to immerse yourself in a realm where tradition and nature harmoniously converge. So, take a deep breath.

Let the tropical breeze ruffle your hair. Embark on an adventure that will etch itself onto your soul, forever linking you to the magic of Southern Thailand.


Hat Yai International Airport, with its friendly ambience, ensures a smooth beginning to your journey. Not far from here, South of Thailand beckons with its blend of cultural and natural wonders.

Travelers have an array of choices post-landing. You might head west to the coast of Krabi, a haven for rock climbing enthusiasts. Or perhaps Phang Nga Bay where the iconic James Bond Island awaits. The Andaman Sea shimmers with jewels like Ko Phi Phi and Ko Lipe, both popular islands that promise unparalleled marine experiences.

On the other side, the Gulf of Thailand is dotted with islands that are nothing short of paradise. Ko Tao is a diver's dream, while Ko Pha Ngan is renowned for its vibrant full moon parties. Ko Samui with its luxurious resorts, and Nakhon Si Thammarat with its historical richness, both add to the allure.

The interior is no less captivating. Khao Sok National Park, a verdant wonderland located near Surat Thani, is home to exotic wildlife and stunning landscapes. It's a perfect detour before hopping over to islands in the Gulf, such as Ko Phi or Ko Tao.

For a dose of tranquility, the serene waters of Ko Lipe, nestled between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea, offer a beach paradise. Meanwhile, adventures continue on the west coast with destinations like Ko Phi and the captivating Phang Nga Bay, renowned for its limestone karsts and its James Bond legacy.


From Hat Yai International Airport, the gems of Southern Thailand, from the popular islands of the Gulf of Thailand to the pristine beaches on the west coast, await exploration. Whether you're into rock climbing, exploring marine life, or simply relaxing by the Andaman Sea, there's something for every traveler in this tropical paradise.

Things to Know:

Hat Yai International Airport is your hub to all these destinations.

From rock climbing on the west coast to diving in the islands of the Gulf, adventure beckons.

Don’t miss local gems like Khao Sok National Park.

For movie buffs, James Bond Island in Phang Nga Bay is a must-visit.

Saladan Pier

Saladan Pier: The Gateway to Koh Lanta’s Wonders


Nestled on the northern tip of Koh Lanta Yai, the Saladan Pier is more than just a dock for ferries. Saladan Pier is the heart of the town of Saladan. This harbor town is lively. It has cafes and souvenir shops. Koh Lanta is a peaceful place in Thailand. Tourists can relax there but also find lively spots at night.


Saladan Pier is the pivotal point for travelers heading in and out of Koh Lanta. Saladan Pier serves as the strategic linkage connecting the island to other destinations. For many, it’s their first glimpse of Koh Lanta. It is a precursor to the beautiful beaches and rich experiences awaiting on the island.

Explore the island of Koh Lanta, Thailand's hidden gem of serene beaches and rich culture. Koh Lanta, comprising two main islands, Koh Lanta Yai and Koh Lanta Noi, is the epitome of a dream vacation. Sandy beaches stretch endlessly, with Long Beach being a favorite for many sun-seekers. Beyond its shores, Koh Lanta National Park beckons with its diverse flora and fauna. The park is a must-visit, especially for those eager to explore the untouched parts of the island. Nearby, Lanta Animal Welfare works tirelessly to care for and protect the island’s animals, making it a worthy visit.

While Saladan Pier is the heart of Koh Lanta Yai, it’s also the stepping stone to other renowned spots. Koh Phi Phi, with its vibrant marine life and unique limestone cliffs, is a short boat ride away.

For those wanting a serene escape, Koh Rok’s crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches are ideal. Additionally, destinations like Phuket, Railay, and Krabi are reachable via Saladan. It makes the pier a central hub for those wishing to explore Thailand's southern gems.

Beyond its connection to scenic destinations, the Saladan area is brimming with life. Food stalls serve delicious local delicacies, and travel agencies offer an array of adventures for tourists. And for those looking to stay in Koh Lanta, there’s a diverse range of lodging. It ranges from beachfront resorts to cozy inns. Ban Saladan, the nearby village, is a blend of local life and tourist attractions. Many highly recommend that you explore the mesmerizing Emerald Cave.


Saladan Pier is more than just a gateway—it’s a promise of endless adventures, a blend of tranquility and excitement. If you're visiting other islands or just seeing Koh Lanta, Saladan is ready to welcome you.

Things to know:

Saladan Pier Koh Lanta is the primary arrival and departure point for Koh Lanta Yai.

The surrounding area, Saladan, offers a variety of dining options, including authentic local food stalls.

Numerous travel agencies around the pier can assist in planning trips to nearby destinations like Koh Phi Phi and Koh Rok.

While at the pier, consider taking a short trip to the south of the island to discover even more beautiful beaches.

Visiting in the early morning or late afternoon provides a unique glimpse into the everyday life of locals at the pier.