成人 (>9 年)
儿童 (2-9 年)
  • {l}

从 甲米 到 苏梅岛

By Lomprayah High Speed Ferries Co., Ltd.
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


08:00 甲米, 通隆,隆帕拉办事处


3 小时 45 分钟


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


11:45 苏梅岛, 纳通码头


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


72 Hours before departure date
  • 经济舱

  • 1,100 THB
  • Book Now


  • Cancellations made 72 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 72 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 48 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 48 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Passengers must check in at the Lomprayah check-in point 1 hour before departure time. The ticket will be expired for late arrivals, which are non-refundable and non-changeable.
  • You can check in using an e-ticket on your mobile device. Please ensure you check in with the correct operator you booked with.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include an entrance fee, any additional fees and surcharges (if any).
  • Passengers are entitled to carry 1 large of luggage with a weight not exceeding 20 kilograms (More than 20 kilograms - additional 200 baht) **Small luggage items, handbags, shoulder bags, small suitcases - no additional cost.
  • Water sports equipment will be charged 400 THB for travel by bus and boat, or 300 THB for travel by boat only.
  • Bicycles - will be charged 700 THB (folding bicycles only) for travel by bus and boat, or 500THB for travel by boat only.
  • Passengers are allowed to bring pets on board (excluding bus/minivan). Each pet must be kept in a separate cage, and a pet fee of 200 THB per item will be charged at the ticket counter. Passengers are responsible for securing their pets with chains or leashes at all times during the trip, and pets must not be released without a leash. Any damage caused to other passengers or their belongings by pets is the responsibility of the pet owner.
  • The vehicle is subject to change depending on the amount of passengers.
  • If the date and time specified on the ticket passed already, it cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded in any cases.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • The passenger needs to sign the travel insurance document for the passenger’s right of the insurance of Lomprayah Office.
  • INFANT: 0-1 years old is free of charge, sit with parent.
  • CHILD: 2 - 10 years old pay as child price
  • In occasions, you might be required to board a speedboat or fast ferry.
  • The ferry / Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • There are no travel restrictions for pregnant passengers on ferry. However, please be aware that the service provider will not be responsible for any health-related issues that may occur.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel with the Speedboat.
  • Passengers are strongly encouraged to book and travel at least 24 hours prior to their flight. Boat schedules may be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen events. Lomprayah is not responsible for any missed flights.
  • ***Please arrive at the pier at least 1 hour before departure, as the operator may change piers based on weather and sea conditions. If a change occurs, the operator will offer complimentary land transfer to customers who arrive before 1 hour. However, free land transfer will not be provided for late arrivals.
  • Vehicle is subject to change depending on amount of passengers.
  • In occasions, you might be required to board a speedboat or fast ferry.
  • CHECK IN POINT: at Lomprayah Office located on Thunglong Road

Trip Information
















巴士: 通隆,隆帕拉办事处 - Donsak 码头

探索东沙码头: 您在素叻他尼的门户

敦萨码头(Donsak Pier)坐落在风景如画的素叻他尼府,是通往泰国海湾最迷人目的地的繁华门户。该码头位于素叻他尼府以南约 40 公里处,是前往苏梅岛、攀牙岛和涛岛探险的起点。这里有便捷的轮渡服务,您可以轻松预订轮渡票并踏上旅程。


敦萨码头(Donsak Pier)是素叻他尼的一个重要交通枢纽,它不仅仅是一个出发点。这个靠近素叻他尼的码头周围是一个充满活力的社区,到处都是当地市场、舒适的咖啡馆和令人愉快的餐厅,您可以在这里品尝到正宗的泰国美食。进入码头后,您会看到一个大型停车场,车辆在此排队等候。乘客在此下车,在终点站的小亭子里购买船票。

码头本身设施齐全,可确保舒适的过境体验。从干净整洁的候船区到提供帮助的咨询台,东萨码头可满足每位旅客的需求。从东萨码头(Donsak Pier)轮渡前往苏梅岛和攀牙岛的定期轮渡服务将您与纳通码头(Nathon Pier)、攀牙岛和涛岛等热门目的地连接起来。在这些岛屿上,您可以尽情享受各种活动,如在纯净的海滩上享受日光浴、探索郁郁葱葱的丛林或体验充满活力的夜生活。


1. 交通便利: 从素叻他尼机场(Surat Thani Airport)出发很容易到达,东沙码头是您进行海岛探险的理想起点。附近还有 Raja Ferry Port 和 Seatran Ferry 等码头。

2. 频繁的轮渡服务: 定期发船,您可以灵活安排行程。

3. 风景优美的环境: 在等待轮渡的过程中,您可以欣赏美丽的海岸风光。

4. 当地风味: 探索当地市场,品尝附近正宗的泰国美食。

5. 通往天堂的门户: 无缝连接苏梅岛和攀牙岛,它们以迷人的海滩和充满活力的文化而闻名。

 LiVa 提示

1. 轻装上阵: 轮渡可能会有行李限制,因此要明智地打包。

2. 提前到达: 至少提前一小时到达,确保顺利登船。

3. 查看时刻表: 轮渡时间可能会有变化,请务必确认您的出发时间。

4. 保持水分: 随身携带水,尤其是在热天。

5. 当地货币: 准备一些泰铢,以便在码头购买小件商品。


游船: Donsak 码头 - 纳通码头





水上运动与海岛探索: 如果你是一个喜欢冒险的人,那么岛屿西侧,尤其是利帕诺伊(Lipa Noi)地区将是你的乐园。这里的海水清澈,非常适合浮潜。苏梅岛周围的海洋生物丰富多样,是探索者的梦想之地。此外,如果你一直向往前往涛岛帕岸岛,那通码头提供便捷的渡轮服务,让这一切变得触手可及。涛岛以其清澈的海水吸引着潜水爱好者,而帕岸岛则以热闹的市场和独特的夜生活闻名。

美食盛宴: 街头美食是泰国文化的重要组成部分,而那通码头也不例外。这里的美食以新鲜的海鲜和香浓的泰式咖喱为主,每一道菜都浓缩了苏梅岛的精华,为你带来一场难忘的味觉之旅。

周边目的地: 苏梅岛周围有许多迷人的岛屿。从那通码头出发,你可以搭乘渡轮前往美丽的帕岸岛涛岛。帕岸岛拥有热闹的市场,而涛岛则是潜水爱好者的天堂。此外,那通镇的步行街在晚上会变得热闹非凡,沿街摆满了售卖手工艺品、美食和泰国传统布料的摊位,让游客尽享购物的乐趣。

体验那通: 那通不仅仅是一个码头,这里还是苏梅岛的首府,拥有许多值得探索的地方。你可以在各类商店中找到独特的纪念品,也可以在网吧休息,享受惬意时光。此外,不妨与当地工匠交流,购买他们的精美手工艺品,将苏梅岛的记忆带回家。

岛屿探索: 想远离那通的繁华街道?不妨前往苏梅岛西侧的利帕诺伊,这里有宁静的沙滩和壮观的日落,是寻求宁静之旅的理想之地。

重要信息: 计划前往那通码头?请提前查看渡轮时刻表,特别是如果你计划前往帕岸岛或涛岛。由于这里靠近苏梅岛机场,并且拥有高效的渡轮服务,旅行变得更加便捷。作为素叻他尼府的首府,那通不仅仅是一个码头,还能让你感受到泰国传统的岛屿生活。



迷人的海港景观: 那通码头的海景壮丽,是你岛屿旅程的绝佳起点。

美食之旅: 在码头附近的餐厅和街头小吃摊,品味苏梅岛的地道美食。

文化纪念品: 在当地市场寻找手工艺品,这些纪念品蕴含着苏梅岛的独特魅力。

冒险之路: 轻松前往安通国家海洋公园和渔人村,开启更多精彩的探险旅程。

最新消息: 那通码头改造工程