大人 (>9 歳)
子供 (2-9 歳)
  • {l}

ヤオ・ヤイ島 から ライレイ へ

By Green Planet
4.5 (40 Reveiws)


13:40 ヤオ・ヤイ島, Chong Lard Pier


1 時間 10 分


( check Things to Know )


( check rules )


14:50 ライレイ, Railay Bay


Full Refundable ( check rules )


Instant Confirmation


24 Hours before departure date


  • Cancellations made 24 Hours or more in advance will receive a full refund.

Cancellation Policy

Booking changes or cancellations must be made up to 24 Hours before your departure date. However, Round-trip tickets cannot be cancelled or refunded after the first trip's cancellation deadline.


  • We will be allowed without penalty if written notice is made over 24 Hours prior to departure. However amendment is subject to availability and new rates may apply.
  • Any amendment resulting in lower rates or less number of passenger is subject to 5% surcharge of the difference figure between total amounts less the amended amount.

Late Booking

For all late bookings under 12 Hours please chat with us directly.

Things to Know

  • Please arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to your trip's scheduled departure time. If you are too late, your ticket will expire and cannot be Refunded and Changed.
  • Time stated is only for estimation. The actual time schedule is subject to change without prior notice due to unpredictable weather conditions and fortuitous events.
  • The price does not include entrance fee (if any), any additional fees and surcharges.
  • Baggage is free of charge.
  • You can check in with e-ticket on mobile or device. Please make sure you check in with the right operator you booked with.
  • Passenger with Baby Stroller pay an extra charge 100 THB per car to the staff directly.
  • Connecting Flights: The Company is a point to point carrier and we do not take responsibility for delays or connecting flight.
  • No pets allowed.
  • INFANTS are NOT allowed on speedboat.
  • The Speedboat trip is not suitable for children, people with heart or back problems, or other physical impediments.
  • Due to safety policies, pregnant passengers are not permitted to travel.
  • The Speedboat departure time may vary depending on the weather conditions.
  • Always keep your valuables, crucial items, fragile belongings, passport, and important documents with you. The company is not liable for any loss or damage to these items.
  • CHECK IN POINT: Please wait at Chong Lard Pier and look for Green Planet boat
  • The boat will stop at Nopparat Thara Pier and then take a pickup truck (Songthaews) to take Longtail boat to Railay.
  • Pier to take a longtail boat can be changed to Ao Nang pier it depends on the number of passengers.

Trip Information

Chong Lard Pier: Where Your Koh Yao Yai Trip Begins!


Hey there! Welcome to Chong Lard Pier. This is a great spot to kick off your adventure to Koh Yao Yai. Picture this pier as your stepping stone to a lot of fun and cool discoveries about an island that's both quiet and super pretty.


Chong Lard Pier isn't just a place to dock boats – it's your doorway to everything awesome about Koh Yao Yai. Right when you get here, look up and around. You'll see a big, beautiful blue sky and feel the gentle touch of waves. It's nature's special welcome hug. The pier has this friendly vibe, making it feel like everyone's favorite hangout spot. It's also cool to see fishermen here doing their thing – it's like getting a sneak peek into how things were done in the old days on the island.

Now, let's talk about all the fun stuff you can do around here. Imagine chilling on Loh Paret Beach. The sand? Super soft. The water? Crystal clear. Feels like paradise! For those who love a good boat ride, you can't miss out on Phang Nga Bay. It's famous for these big rocks that stand tall in the water. Plus, there's the James Bond Island – yep, just like in the movies. For more exploring, consider a trip to Krabi. It's not just about beaches (though places like Railay Beach are amazing). There are peaceful spots like Thung Teao Forest where nature just wows you. And speaking of beaches, Koh Lanta is a short boat ride away. Perfect for more sun, sand, and sea fun! Want to dive into clear waters? Check out the Racha Islands. It's like an underwater wonderland. And if you've got energy to spare, take a walk up to Chong Lard Viewpoint. Trust me, the view from up there? Totally worth every step.


As you depart from Chong Lard Pier, it's natural to feel a twinge of melancholy, given the myriad experiences it offers. But hey, think about all the amazing stories and memories you'll take with you. Koh Yao Yai is more than just an island. It's like a hidden gem full of beautiful views and super welcoming people who make every second count. And when you're looking back at your trip later, always remember that your epic adventure started right here at Chong Lard Pier.

Things to Know:

Yum Alert: There's some really tasty Thai food around the pier. Make certain to take advantage of this opportunity.

Take-Home Goodies: Local shops have these cool handmade things. Perfect for gifts or memories.

Look Good & Respectful: Dress in a way that shows you know and respect the local ways.

Relax Mode: Here, we take things easy and enjoy every moment. Join in!

Clean Vibes: The island loves visitors who care. So, no littering, okay?

Speed Boat: Chong Lard Pier - Nopparat Thara Pier








アンダマン海の紺碧の海は、訪れる人々に贅沢で快適な滞在と息を呑むような絶景を同時に提供します。 滞在の度に忘れられない体験となるでしょう。 さらに冒険好きな方には、有名なエメラルドプールや有名な温泉など、さらに探索する場所があります。








Shared Minivan: Nopparat Thara Pier - Ao Nam Mao Pier

The Ultimate Gateway: Ao Nam Mao Pier, Adjacent to Ao Nang


Situated near the picturesque Ao Nang, Ao Nam Mao Pier serves as the launchpad for countless journeys. With an array of vessels, especially the iconic longtail boats, ready to set sail, the promise of adventure is palpable. Lomprayah stands out, ensuring travelers a dependable and smooth journey.


Ao Nam Mao Pier, sometimes referred to as Ao Nammao Pier, is more than just a boarding point. It is positioned gracefully by Ao Nam Mao Beach. It is not far from the captivating Phra Nang. And it offers scenic beauty that captures the heart.

When you walk around, you'll see friendly locals selling delicious snacks that show what real Krabi food tastes like. As it gets close to evening, the sky changes into beautiful colors that are truly amazing to see. Both visitors and people from the area love to stop and enjoy this view. It's a moment where everyone just takes a break and appreciates the beauty.

Adjacent shops showcase an array of souvenirs, and for those seeking accommodation, hotels in Krabi are conveniently located nearby. The gastronomic offerings around the pier, particularly the seafood, promise a delightful culinary experience. The hustle and bustle of the pier echo with excitement. Local fishermen prepping for their daily haul and eager tourists sharing tales form part of this lively mosaic.

For many, the pier serves as the starting point for their voyage. It could be on a boat to Railay Beach or the majestic Phi Phi Island. Some prefer the scheduled departures, while others might opt for a private boat for a more personalized experience. The memories created here, with the sea as the backdrop, are ones that linger long after.

From this hub, boats depart to destinations that have become synonymous with Thailand's allure. Mae Haad Koh Tao is an untouched gem with clear waters. Nearby, Na Thon Koh Samui offers peaceful sandy beaches where relaxation is a given.

Then there's Thong Sala Koh Phangan, known for its lively parties and events. All these spots are just a quick ferry ride away.


Ao Nam Mao Pier transcends its functional role. It's an emblem of the adventures that begin and the tales that culminate. With every sunset watched and every boat boarded, stories unfold. Every day, the pier comes alive as travelers set out on their adventures.

They are heading to destinations like Railay East and the bustling Krabi Town. From sunrise to sunset, it observes countless tales of excitement and discovery, making it a central part of many memorable experiences.

Things to Know:

Lomprayah is recognized for its exemplary service.

It's wise to check boat schedules, especially if headed to popular spots.

Relish the local cuisine—it's a blend of flavor and tradition.

Getting there a bit early is a good idea; you'll catch a calm vibe before things get busy.

Be mindful of belongings, especially on the bustling floating pier.

Longtail Boat: Ao Nam Mao Pier - Railay Bay





レイルー・ピアは、レイルーの魅力を探索しようとする人々のための主要な玄関口となっています。 湾を渡る冒険へと誘う、象徴的なデザインの伝統的なロングテールボートが待機しています。 これらのボートは湾の魅力を高めるだけでなく、ユニークで本格的な旅行体験を提供します。


タイの広大な海岸線にひっそりと佇むライレイビーチは、静けさと美しさの楽園です。 船でしかアクセスできないこの人里離れた楽園は、賑やかな観光地から逃れて静養するのに最適です。 船でライレイに向かうと、高い崖が現れ、その周りには澄んだ水と白い砂浜が広がっています。 ここはただの目的地ではなく、大自然が生み出した傑作への旅なのです。



神秘的なスポットであるプラナン洞窟には、自然の美しさと地元の伝説が息づいています。 隣接するビーチは、きめ細かい砂と澄んだ海が特徴で、この地域でも最も美しいビーチのひとつです。 100バーツの少額の料金を支払えば、プライベートボートをチャーターすることもできます。 混雑から離れたこの人里離れた楽園で、ユニークな体験を楽しむことができます。

レイベイは11月から4月にかけて最も混雑しますが、この時期は天候に恵まれ、さまざまなアクティビティを楽しむのに最適です。 クラビを訪れた際には、ぜひクラビタウンにも足を運んでみてください。 地元の人々の日常生活を垣間見たり体験したりできる市場があります。 ピピ島は青いアンダマン海に浮かぶ島です。 ピピ島にはさまざまな魅力があります。 それは感覚的な体験です。 素晴らしい海洋生物がダイバーやシュノーケラーの心を捉えます。

白い砂浜のビーチは、コバルトブルーの海とのコントラストを描いています。 太陽が沈むと、ピピ島は一変します。 昼間は静かな島も、夜には音楽が鳴り響く活気のあるパーティーが繰り広げられます。 アオナンビーチは単なる砂浜ではありません。 クラビ地方の鼓動そのものです。海岸には、食欲をそそるタイ料理を提供するレストランが軒を連ねています。また、手の込んだ地元の工芸品を扱うブティックもあります。そして、ナイトライフは活気に満ちています。昼から夜へと移り変わるにつれ、ビーチは光と笑い声と音楽の織りなすタペストリーへと姿を変えます。アオナンには、ビーチの近くにそびえ立つ美しい石灰岩の崖があります。この崖は砂浜に影を落とし、この場所を一層特別なものに見せています。






